transmission modulation

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˌmɑdʒəˈleʃən][trænzˈmiʃən ˌmɔdjuˈleiʃən]


  • As one of the key technologies of high-speed long-haul optical transmission system modulation format could mitigate transmission impairments without great changes in the existing transmission lines .

    高级 调制 技术作为高速、长距离光 传输系统的关键技术之一,可以明显减轻系统的传输损伤,并且不需要对现有的传输线路作大的修改,具有很高的商业价值。

  • Factors which affect small signal stability of Southern Power Grid are summarized including the HVDC model HVDC transmission line capacity HVDC modulation and small hydropower unit modeling .

    从直流系统模型、直流系统 输送容量、直流 调制和小水电机组建模四个方面总结了南方电网小干扰稳定分析的影响因素。

  • Next generation of green lighting equipment it is not only low power consumption long life small size green and you can also use its transmission modulation signal .

    实现VLC系统的关键是LED,LED被认为是下一代绿色照明设备,它不仅低能耗,使用寿命长,尺寸小,绿色环保,而且还可以用其 断的发光 原理 传输信号。

  • The basic principle and system structure of a new multicarrier transmission technique & filtered multitone modulation ( FMT ) are described and the optimization of FMT is performed .

    提出了一种新型的多载波 传输技术&滤波多音频( FMT技术的基本原理和系统结构,并对系统进行了优化改进。

  • The influence on grid 's transient stability margin and DC system is also studied while the power slope of north or south AC transmission system is taken as modulation signal respectively .

    分别取北 通道功率变化率及南通道功率变化率为 调制信号对系统暂态稳定裕度及 直流系统的影响;

  • Long-range Underwater Acoustic Information Transmission through MFSK Modulation

    用MFSK 调制 实现水声远程信息 传输

  • The intelligent transmission involves adaptive modulation integrated power control etc.

    智能 传输主要涉及自适应 调制、综合功率控制等;

  • Cognitive radio technology subverts the traditional fixed spectrum allocation fundamentally . It can sense changes of the environment by the sensing node and change the transmission power modulation carrier frequency and other transmission parameters to improve the efficiency of spectrum .

    认知无线电技术从根本上颠覆了传统的固定频谱分配方式,它可以感知周围环境的变化,并通过改变 传输功率、 调制 方式、载波频率等传输参数适应这种变化,从而提高频谱资源的利用率。

  • Generation and Transmission of Novel Modulation Formats for High-speed Optical Communication

    高速光通信中新型 调制码的产生及 传输

  • Fiber Video Frequency Transmission by Square-wave Frequency Modulation

    方波频率 调制的光纤视频 传输

  • The mechanism of meteor burst communication with variable rate data transmission based on CCK modulation is proposed . Now the system is applied in the new generation full duplex meteor burst communication system .

    提出基于CCK 调制的自适应变速率机制在流星余迹 通信系统中的应用。

  • It is necessary in digital communication system that carrier recovery can compensate frequency offset and phase jitter brought by transmission and modulation .

    载波恢复是数字通信系统中一个必不可少的单元,它补偿了信号在 信道 传输 解调过程中所造成的频偏损害并且相位抖动。

  • This Paper uses the Chirp signals for high data rates Ultra-Wideband transmission system . A Chirp-BOK Modulation UWB wireless communication system is presented based on the excellent cross correlation between UP-Chirp and DOWN-Chirp and knife-edged time domain property after matched filter .

    基于正向和反向线性调频脉冲良好的互相关性以及匹配滤波后尖锐的时域特性,将线性调频脉冲用于高速的超宽带无线通信,设计了Chirp-BOK 调制的超宽带 通信系统。

  • The superficial laminae of the spinal dorsal horn play important roles in nociceptive transmission and modulation .

    脊髓背角浅层是 传递 调制外周伤害性信息的关键部位。

  • This distribution pattern of GABA-IR in the bullfrog retina suggests that GABAmay play an important role in transmission and modulation of visual signals in both the outer and inner retina .

    上述结果表明, GABA广泛分布于牛蛙视网膜的各层,提示它在视觉信号的 传递过程中发挥着重要作用。

  • The adaptive technology of OFDM systems is based on the characteristics of each child channel adaptive adjustments of signal transmission parameters includes modulation mode coding mode and transmit power .

    OFDM系统的自适应技术,是根据各个子信道的特性,自适应的调整信号的 传输参数,包括 调制方式,编码方式,发射功率等,实现对信道的充分利用,提高通信系统的传输性能。

  • Information transmission by phase modulation via periodically excited chaotic system

    周期激励混沌系统的相位 调制信息的 传输方法

  • Chemical Anatomy of the Nociceptive Transmission and Modulation in the Spinal Dorsal Horn

    脊髓背角痛觉 传递 调制的一些化学解剖学观察

  • Conclusion : FLI positive neurons in the spinal dorsal horn may participate in the transmission and modulation of pain .

    结论:Fos阳性神经元可能参与了化学性致痛信息的 传导 调控

  • In fact our wavelet multi-channel modulation ( WMCM ) system constructed by substituting DFT with discrete wavelet transform from DSP perspective is a parallel transmission system which baseband modulation implemented by recursion of two-channel filter banks .

    研究中用离散小波变换替代离散傅立叶变换而搭建起的小波多通道调制(Waveletmulti-channelModulation)系统,从数字信号处理的角度看实际上就是利用两通道滤波器组迭代实现基带 调制的一个并行 传输系统。

  • Study on Multi-Harmonic Sources in AC / DC Hybrid Transmission System Based on Modulation and Iterative Harmonic Analysis Method

    基于 调制迭代谐波分析法的交直流混联 输电系统多谐波源研究

  • The Balance Analysis of Signal-to-Noise Ratio for FM-SCM Fiber Transmission Using TV Group Modulation

    关于电视群信号对光纤副载波 调频 传输中的信噪比平衡问题的分析

  • Finally microwave is used to transmit data between ships and data transmission protocols data modulation and error control coding are designed according to the characteristics of data transmission in the radar system .

    最后,针对所研究的雷达系统数据传输的特点,采用微波进行数据传输,并完成了数据 传输协议、数据 调制 方式、差错控制编码的方案设计。

  • Influence of Amplified Spontaneous Emission Noise on a Soliton Transmission System with Amplitude Modulation Control

    同步幅度 调制控制 孤子系统中自发辐射噪声的影响

  • By comparison the difference between diverse EOC schemes are data transmission band and modulation mode . Accordingly there are two modulation methods non-source base band transmission and source modulation transmission .

    不同EOC方案之间在技术上的最主要区别是对数据 传输采用不同的频带和 调制方式,据此可分为无源基带传输、有源调制传输两大类技术。

  • The wireless data transmission module uses FSK modulation and forward error correction coding .

    无线数 模块基于FSK 调制,采用高效前向纠错信道编码技术;

  • The transmission systems based on phase modulation formats have higher receiver sensitivity and larger nonlinear tolerance than the transmission systems based on OOK modulation format . Therefore the phase modulation formats are very suitable for the upgrade of the transmission systems .

    与基于开关键控(OOK)调制格式的传输系统相比,基于相位 调制格式的 传输系统有较高的接收机灵敏度和较大的非线性容限。