trail angle

[trel ˈæŋɡəl][treil ˈæŋɡl]


  • The six parameters of single trail alpha wave are computed and analyzed : pre-stimulus amplitude and phase angle post-stimulus amplitude and latency of first positive and negative peak .

    计算每次刺激前的幅度(Pr)、相位( φ),和刺激后的第一个正(P)波和第一个负( N)波的潜伏期与幅度共6个参数。

  • This article is following our country ′ s scholar in the causality research trail from the comparison angle elaborating our country criminal causality research deficiency .

    本文循着我国学者们在因果关系研究的 踪迹,从比较的 角度,阐述我国刑法因果关系研究的不足之处。

  • Field trail for two years showed that enhanced UV-B reduced plant height of wheat 、 green-leaf 、 leaf angle 、 single leaf area of spring wheat and that reasons single leaf area lessen are both leaf length and leaf width decreased .

    连续两年的 试验结果显示,UV-B增强使春小麦植株矮化、绿叶数减少、叶 变小、单叶叶面积减小,单叶叶面积减小的原因是叶长和叶宽都有所减少。

  • A distinct trail vortex exists under the lower back pressure and high incidence angle condition .

    在低背压高 攻角条件下,转子存在十分明显的 涡。

  • By processing and analyzing experimental data collected from a lake trail the influence of such factors as the sound velocity profile in water layer angular distribution function of bottom scattering incline angle of ocean bottom and thermocline on reverberation intensity has also been discussed .

    并且结合湖上实验数据的处理及分析,讨论了海水中声速分布、海底散射特性、海底倾 斜角和海水中声速 跃变层等因素对混响平均强度衰减特性的影响。