trade waste

[treid west][treid weist]


  • The results of variance decomposition analysis suggested that exporting trade was the main variable for explaining the forecasting mean square error of industrial waste gas and solid waste discharge .

    而方差分解结果显示出口 贸易是解释工业 废气、工业固体废物排放的预测方差的重要变量。

  • Under the guidance of this development concept our country have also appear many problems such as unreasonable economic structure outdated technology capacity unreasonable pattern of investment consumption capacity the foreign trade and the waste of resources and environmental pollution .

    在这种发展观的导向下,我国出现了经济结构不合理、技术产能落后、投资、消费、 外贸格局不合理、资源 浪费和环境污染严重等问题。

  • Project development ( certificated trade waste disposal industry alternative use of thermal power plants ) Project development in the field of communication engineering tourism .

    项目开发( 处置工业、力发电使用)通讯、程,旅游领域的项目发展。

  • A there is no long-term stable relationship between exporting trade and industrial waste water emissions exporting trade has no influence on industrial waste water emissions of Zhenjiang .

    但是镇江市出口 贸易 与工业 废水排放量之间不具有长期稳定的关系,排除了出口贸易对镇江市工业废水排放量的影响。

  • Quibbling with Hu over China 's alleged WTO trade rules violations will be a serious waste of time and only increase the tension .

    吹毛求疵的指责中国破坏世界 贸易组织的规则只是在 浪费时间并增加两国的紧张关系。

  • No longer able to study health or environmental impacts under threat of lawsuits by international trade tribunals Californians would not be empowered to prevent fracking companies from dumping fracking waste into water aquifers & as recently occurred in Central Valley California .

    不再能够了解健康或环境影响,在被国际 贸易法庭起诉的风险下,加州将不允许再对页岩气生产企业向地下含水层注入 有害化工原料进行限制-正如最近在加州中央山谷发生的。

  • Huang Shan 22 is a trade manager at Great Sail Metals Co. in Sydney which exports waste metal to China .

    22岁的黄山,是悉尼远航金属有限公司的 贸易经理,他的工作就是向中国出口 金属。

  • The paper presents the design hardware and software structure of a system is monitor trade waste .

    本文介绍了笔者完成的 工业 废水微机自动监测网络的设计思想、硬件和软件结构。

  • Trade in rags and waste paper have a bowel movement .

    做破旧衣服和 废纸 生意.大肠运动,以 排出 废物

  • IC-CIRCOX : New craft for treatment of beer trade waste water

    IC-CIRCOX:啤酒厂的 废水处理新工艺

  • Free trade of electronic waste

    电子 废物的自由 贸易

  • Government agencies serve business through international market survey trade policy resource consent waste management and work safety issues .

    政府机构通过全球市场调查、 贸易政策、资源许可、 废物管理和工作安全等方面来为商业服务。

  • In recent years port competition in international shipping trade and other sectors have been nothing new which have advantage to the development of healthy competition but also a malignant competition of a waste of resources caused by contention .

    近些年来,港口竞争在世界航运、 国际 贸易等环节中已经屡见不鲜,这其中有利于发展的良性竞争,也有为了争夺造成资源 浪费的恶性竞争。

  • Using aluminosilicate trade waste as a raw material the experimental research on single surface modification and compounded surface modification of surfactant and coupling agent was performed .

    以铝硅酸盐 工业 废渣为原料,分别进行了表面活性剂、偶联剂单一表面改性和复合表面改性试验研究。

  • Establishing the Trade Market of Pollutant Emission to Realize the Optimization of Cutting Waste

    建立排污 交易市场,实现 废物削减最优化

  • The predatory pricing disrupts the normal competition order impairs other competitors ' equal competition rights of the same trade deforms the collocation mechanism of resources and results in the waste of resources and impairment of holistic social welfare .

    指出掠夺性定价损害正常的竞争秩序,损害 同业者的公平竞争权,扭曲资源配置机制,造成资源 浪费和社会整体福利减损。

  • This kind of injustice makes format contract during the trade in unstable factors appear in large Numbers leading to the performance risk the rise of the final cause of transaction costs a lot of waste .

    这种不公使得格式合同在 交易过程中的不稳定因素大量出现,从而导致履约风险的上升,最终造成交易成本的大量 浪费

  • With the rapid development of China 's foreign trade waste of resources and pollution of ecological environment is increasingly severe .

    在我国对外 贸易迅速发展的同时,资源 浪费、生态环境受到污染的现象也日益严峻。

  • In order to avoid bankruptcy and the creditor trade unions damage to the loss of social and economic waste of resources most countries have established in their legislation reforming the system given the possibility of there to save the plight of enterprises to chance .

    为了避免企业破产而致使债权人、 职工利益受到损失、社会经济资源的 浪费,多数国家都在其立法中确立了重整制度,赋予仍有挽救可能性的困境企业得以重生的机会。

  • The production process of trade goods needs lands water energy minerals woods and other ecological elements and at the same time it emits kinds of waste materials and causes environmental pollution . Actually there exist ecological flows behind international trade .

    贸易产品的生产需要土地、水、能源、矿产、木材等生态要素,同时会排放出各种 污染性的 废物,造成不同程度的环境污染,国际贸易的背后实际上隐含着生态要素的流动。

  • In fact the trade ecological costs still include the three wastes that is waste water waste gas and solid waste .

    事实上 贸易生态成本还包括三废,即 废水、废气及固体废物。

  • The Circular Economics in the Limited Property Rights Trade System & Taking Electronic Waste as the Case

    有限产权 交易制度下的循环经济&以电子 废弃物为例

  • FeC and catalytic oxidation pre treatment + A / O biological processes are adopted to treat trade waste water discharged from a chemical plant in Lishui Zhejiang Province .

    采用Fe-C和催化氧化预处理 +A/O生化处理工艺处理浙江丽水地区某化工厂 废水

  • Now they are encouraging opposition if trade promotion authority is linked to trade adjustment assistance which they oppose as a waste of federal tax dollars .

    如果将贸易促进权与 贸易调整援助计划捆绑在一起,他们会鼓动大家反对,他们反对该援助计划,称这是在 浪费纳税人的钱。