transitive closure

[ˈtrænsɪtɪv ˈkloʒɚ][ˈtrænsɪtɪv ˈkləʊʒə]


  • On the Solution of Inverse Problem of Fuzzy Equivalent Matrix as Transitive Closure ; Modeling Tasks Temporal Relations Based on Transferability Closure

    关于Fuzzy等价矩阵作为 传递 闭包逆问题的解任务时序关系的形式化和传递闭包建模算法

  • Currently k-means algorithm transitive closure and Iterative self-organizing data analysis techniques are the typic clustering algorithms .

    目前典型的聚类算法有-均值聚类法、 传递 闭包算法、迭代自组织数据分析技术等。

  • It is just need to use transitive closure method to calculate equivalence matrix .

    而要将 相似 矩阵 改造为等价矩阵,只需要求 相似矩阵的 传递 闭包

  • We have just defined four important sets in terms of the transitive closure of four very simple relations .

    我们根据四个非常简单的关系的 传递 闭包,恰好 完成了四个重要的集合。

  • Transitive closure clustering algorithm based on dynamic fuzzy equivalence relation and maximal tree clustering algorithm based on dynamic fuzzy similarity relation are compared .

    对各种算法的优缺点进行了阐述,对基于动态模糊等价关系的 传递 闭包聚类法和基于动态模糊相似关系的最大树聚类算法进行了比较,用理论证明了两种聚类分析算法的等价性。

  • We deal with transitivity and transitive closure for binary relation . We put forward the concept of middle point obtain invariance of transitivity under power product of binary relation and simplify the algorithm in computing transitive closure .

    探讨了二元关系传递性的判定和 传递 闭包的计算及其 教学的有关问题,提出了中途点的概念,得到传递性在乘幂运算下的不变性,以及简化了计算传递闭包的算法。

  • At last this paper analyzes a real example of using the transitive closure method to carry out the fuzzy clustering .

    最后分析了一个利用 传递 闭包法进行模糊聚类的实例。

  • This paper introduced transitive closure method and fuzzy C-means algorithm both of which are the most widely used methods in Fuzzy Clustering Analysis . But they both have advantages and disadvantages in solving real problems .

    模糊数据挖掘技术最常用的算法是模糊聚类分析法,论文介绍了模糊聚类分析中应用最广泛的 传递 闭包法和模糊C-均值算法,它们在解决问题的时候却各有利弊。

  • The paper introduced the way of transitive closure to dispose the speech emotion recognition .

    本文采用 传递 闭包法处理语音情感信息。

  • Environment quality appraisal analysis based on transitive closure method with regard to 5 cities in southwestern area of China

    基于 传递 闭包法的西南5城市环境质量评价分析 封闭剂的 封闭 临床效果评价

  • A transitive closure extension to existing rdbms : approach and algorithms

    在RDBMS上扩充 传递 闭包功能的方法和算法

  • Additional local predicates that are not automatically provided by DB2 that can provide predicate transitive closure .

    其他的非DB2自动提供的,而又能提供谓词 传递 闭包的本地谓词。

  • So a class or struct is required to implement all the methods of all the interfaces in the transitive closure of its base interfaces ?

    那么就是说一个class或者一个struct必须要实现其 传递 闭包上所有接口定义的所有方法吗?

  • This means that all files that are referenced by files that are included in the schema library must also be included in the library ( Transitive Closure ) .

    这意味着由架构库中包括的文件引用的所有文件也必须包括在库中( 传递 闭包)。

  • Before access path selection the DB2 optimizer transforms SQL statements into forms that are semantically identical such as by using predicate pushdown or predicate transitive closure .

    在选择访问路径之前,DB2优化器将SQL语句转换成语意上一致的形式,例如使用谓词下推或谓词 传递 闭包

  • Furthermore this paper gives FC-approximation operators of fuzzy transitive closure and obtains corresponding results .

    进而给出模糊 传递 闭包近似算子的定义,得到相应的结果。

  • Transitive closure is a basic method of fuzzy clustering analysis and the clustering of it grounds on the fuzzy equivalent matrix .

    传递 闭包法是模糊聚类分析基本方法之一,主要基于模糊等价关系聚类。

  • The Fuzziness Analysis of Transitive Closure Clustering

    传递 闭包聚类中的模糊性分析

  • The basic thought of the fuzzy cluster built steps of the fuzzy statistic are given and an equivalence relation is discussed on fuzzy transitive closure of the properties .

    给出了模糊聚类的基本思路,确定了模糊统计量的步骤,讨论了模糊 传递 闭包的等价性。

  • This paper is attributed to the research of the theory arid application of fuzzy matrices aiming at the calculation simplification and application of the transitive closure of the general ( not similar ) fuzzy matrices .

    本文工作属于模糊矩阵理论和应用研究,具体工作针对一般(非相似)模糊矩阵 传递 闭包的计算、简化与应用。

  • The set of reachable objects is the transitive closure of the root set under the points-to relation .

    可到达的对象集是指向关系下根集的 传递 闭包

  • Transitive closure is a kind of important relational operation .

    传递 闭包是一种重要的关系运算。

  • By applying the set of arc the key role the transitive closure played in contractual relationship model was proved and the recursive and reflective rules in virtual enterprise system were validated .

    应用弧集合证明了 传递 闭包在契约关系模型中的核心作用,论证了虚拟企业系统中的过程递归规律及映射规则。

  • This paper applies transitive closure method of fuzzy clustering to analyze genetic differentiation of species . It analyzes the example realizes transitive closure method and gives out the result .

    文章将模糊聚类分析 传递 闭包方法应用于生物种群遗传分化的研究,进行了实例分析,给出了模糊聚类分析传递闭包方法的实现过程和聚类分析结果。

  • The signature of a ruleset extracted from a given rule project is determined by the transitive closure of the ruleset parameters of that rule project and all the rule projects it referencies .

    从给定规则项目提取的一个规则集的签名,由该规则项目和它引用的所有规则项目的规则集参数的 传递 闭包决定。

  • A new arrival and departure flight classification method based on the transitive closure algorithm ( TCA ) is proposed .

    提出了一种基于 传递 闭包法的进/离场航班分类方法。

  • Firstly the fuzzy set theory and the transitive closure algorithm are introduced . Then four different factors are selected to establish the flight classification model and a method is given to calculate the delay cost for each class .

    首先对模糊集合理论和 传递 闭包算法作了简要的介绍,然后在考虑4种不同因素的条件下建立了航班分类模型,并给出了各类航班单位时间延误成本的计算公式。