transfer phase

[trænsˈfɚ fez][trænsˈfə: feiz]

[计] 传送阶段

  • Heat Transfer Enhancement of Phase Change Thermal Storage and Experimental Research on Characteristics of Phase Change Heat Exchanger

    热定形性,热变定性 相变蓄热 热强化及蓄热器性能实验相变储热预热式热泵热水器节能特性分析

  • Power transfer and frequency phase locked composite control method was employed in inverter links . The control precision and efficiency are improved .

    逆变部分采用移相 功和频率 锁相复合控制,提高了控制精度和整机效率。

  • One is the research of the nature of materials including the thermal property of materials the basis of heat transfer in phase changing and the material life and stability .

    一类是 相变材料性质的研究,包括材料的热物性及 相变 传热 过程的机理、材料的寿命及稳定性等。

  • Waveform Control in Droplet Transfer Phase During Pulsed MIG Welding

    脉冲MIG焊熔滴 过渡 阶段的波形控制

  • A formula is established in the data transfer phase according to the residual energy and distance of neighboring cluster-heads . Cluster-heads can select the most appropriate next hop according to the formula .

    簇间数据 传输 阶段中,根据相邻簇首的剩余能量和簇首间距建立的选择公式,簇首可以通过选择公式的大小找到最合适的下一跳邻居簇首节点。

  • Numerical analysis of heat transfer during phase transformation on titanium irradiated by high-intensity pulsed ions beam

    强流脉冲离子束辐照金属Ti 相变 传热的数值分析

  • In the field of solid-liquid two-phase flow in particular in dispersed two-phase flows it becomes more and more important to master characteristics of the heat transfer as phase change takes place .

    运动颗粒的 传热规律是 固液两相流尤其是稀疏两相流研究领域中令人关注的课题。

  • A three-equation model for heat and mass transfer with phase change in wet region of capillary porous media during drying

    含湿毛细多孔介质湿区 相变传热 传质干燥三方程模型

  • Study on Mechanism of Oxygen Transfer in Two-liquid Phase Fermentation System

    双液 发酵系统中氧 传递机理的研究

  • The connecting method for the regions of flow computation and heat transfer computation has also been put forward when using uncoupled mode to calculate the fluid flow and heat transfer with phase transformation .

    提出了非耦合计算时流动计算域与 凝固 传热计算域的衔接问题,以及铸坯表面换热 系数确定的方法。

  • Design of a Boiler with Heat Transfer of Phase Change

    相变 热锅炉的设计与应用

  • Taking water transfer and phase change into account the finite element formulae of this problem and computation program are derived from the governing differential equations and water transfer equations by Galerkin 's method .

    考虑水分 迁移和冰水 相变耦合影响,根据瞬态温度场问题的热量平衡控制微分方程和质量迁移方程,应用伽辽金法推导出了有限元计算公式并编制了计算软件。

  • The study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of condensation with microchannel as carrier is also becoming an important subject however the mechanisms on two-phase flow and heat transfer of phase change in microchannels need to be further studied .

    以微通道为载体的冷凝流动及传热特性的研究也已成为当前重要的课题之一,但对于微通道内两相流动及 相变 传热机理的研究还有待于进一步的深入。

  • A two temperature model was established because of the difference of the heat transfer between the phase change material and the metallic matrix .

    考虑金属骨架与流体之间的不同的 传热 特性,建立了泡沫金属内融化 相变 传热的双温度模型。

  • In the implementation of the scheme the entanglement correlation between particles of W-states is exploited to ensure the security of particle-distribution phase ; inserting decoy photons into particles and rearranging the order of particles are used to ensure the security in the information transfer phase .

    在方案的具体实现过程中,粒子分发阶段用W态三粒子间的纠缠关联性来保证其安全性;信息粒子 传输 阶段用顺序重排和插入诱骗光子相结合的方法来保证安全性。

  • Metal solidification process involves complex physical changes including heat and mass transfer and phase transition .

    金属的凝固涉及到复杂的物理变化,包括传热、 传质 相变等。

  • In the data transfer phase an improved ant colony algorithm is integrated into the routing algorithm in order to find the best path .

    在分簇路由算法的簇间数据 传输 阶段,为了寻找最佳路径,把改进的蚁群算法结合到路由算法中。

  • The autonomous optical navigation algorithm based on Earth-Moon information during the cislunar transfer orbit phase is presented .

    基于地月信息提出了一种 奔月 转移轨道的自主光学导航算法。

  • Compared with the mode of economic increase in the future recent years the mode of land use in Jiangsu province would be in a transfer phase with extension expanding and intension advance .

    与经济增长方式相对应,近期内江苏省土地利用将处于外延扩张和内涵提高并举的 转型 阶段

  • We regard phase contrast imaging system as a diffraction-limited system and have deduced coherent transfer function of phase contrast imaging system .

    我们将相衬成像系统视作衍射受限系统,求出了相干照明下相衬成像系统的相干 传递函数,它有利于 相衬成像系统频率特性分析。

  • The output of technology transfer phase are main categories of cost-effectiveness including process innovation and product innovations .

    技术 转化 阶段的产出以经济效益类为主,包括工艺创新成果和产品创新成果。

  • The investigation on heat transfer of single phase liquid flow in a tube with natural circulation is performed .

    本文以常压去离子水为工质,对自然循环工况下上升加热段内 单相水的对流 传热特性进行了实验研究。

  • Application of Heat Transfer of Phase Change in Water Jacket Heater for Energy Saving

    相变 技术在水套加热炉节能改造上的应用

  • Dimensionless formulae for thermal storage and heat transfer in phase change material around a circular tube with heat transfer fluid flowing inside

    内通传热流体的圆管外 相变材料的无量纲储 传热准则的研究

  • The results show that the moisture transfer and the phase change have definite effects on heat transfer of the soils which should be considered in calculation .

    对计算结果分析表明,水分 迁移 相变对土壤的传热有一定影响。

  • Finite element solution of heat transfer with planar phase change by equivalent heat capacity method ;

    采用等效热容法求解伴有 相变过程的瞬态热 传导问题。

  • In the paper the differential model of the removed carbon dioxide process of amines promoted hot potash solutions and the correlative equations of mass transfer heat transfer and phase equilibrium can be used to simulate industrial absorption tower satisfactorily .

    本文的胺类催化热钾碱溶液脱碳过程的微分模型与传质、 传热 平衡的关联式能满意地模拟工业吸收塔。

  • In the time dimension according to the law of the infrastructure projects of its own life cycle is divided into the planning phase construction phase operation phase and the transfer phase .

    在时间维上,根据基础设施项目其自身的生命周期规律,划分为规划阶段、建设阶段、运营阶段、 移交 阶段