


  • What factors foster effective transactional leadership and transformational leadership in a sales setting ?

    什麽是传统领导和 转型领导系统的关键因素?

  • Stanford was a truly transformational experience and it exceeded all of my expectations .

    在斯坦福求学是一段真正 转折作用的经历,这超出了我的全部预期。

  • I think he is a transformational figure .

    我认为他是一个 变革的人物。

  • This power to instantly transform emotions to lower or heighten their intensity I call Transformational Vocabulary .

    马上能改变人的情绪,使其低沉或高昂的言词,我称之为“ 转变词汇”。

  • Transactional and transformational leadership theory has been a hot issue recently .

    摘要交易型和 变革型领导是近年来领导理论研究的新课题。

  • Moreover transformational leadership and humanistic orientation have an indirect positive impact on performance via achievement orientation .


  • It goes beyond transactional leadership into transformational leadership transforming individuals involved as well as the relationship .

    它超越了情景式领导,变成了 转变 领导,不仅仅转变了关系,也转变了个人。

  • Study on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Employees ' Commitment to Organizational Change

    变革型领导与员工对组织变革 同感的关系研究

  • This is a deeply enlightening and much needed guidebook for these transformational times on the Earth .

    这是一个深受启发和急需的指南这些 变革时代的地球。

  • Transformational Leadership in a fast changing environment .

    在快速变化的环境中 转换领导力。

  • This paper mainly studies the transformational leadership 's mechanism of the action in crisis situations and the behavioral characteristics in the crisis in the crisis management process .

    本文主要研究了危机情境下 变革型领导的作用机理和危机处理过程中的行为特征。

  • Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Transformational Leadership


  • The Research of Application of Transformational Leadership Theories in School Educational Innovation


  • That is an example of a transformational business model .

    这是一个 具有 变革 意义的商业模式的例子。

  • The Research on Leadership Validity of Transformational Leadership and Paternalistic Leadership


  • One result was the great transformational technology of our time the Internet .

    其中的一个结果就是我们这个时代的重大 革新技术&互联网。

  • Transformational diplomacy is the governing principle and fundamental policy of Bushs external strategy during his second term of office .


  • Transformational leaders motivatepeople to actualise or even surpass theirpotential byfocusingon their strengths and what they can be .

    转换 领导人通过注意他们的力量和潜能激励人们实现或甚至超越他们的潜质。

  • In innovation-oriented and support-oriented organizational culture transformational leader is more effective than transactional leader .

    革新导向和支持导向型文化中,企业领导者若采用 变革型领导行为,将会产生更高的效能。

  • It starts by realizing transformational opportunities are bigger than you and your organization .

    这始自于意识到 变革 的机会比我们自己和组织都要重大。

  • We think of our growth as a testament to the transformational power of social business .

    我们认为,公司的发展恰恰证明了社交企业的 变革 力量。

  • Former researches only focused on transformational leadership 's influence on creativity while were not combined with transactional leadership .

    以往的研究关注的仅仅是 变革型领导对员工创造力的影响,而没有结合交易型领导的方式。

  • Research on Transformational Leadership and Its Relationship with Leadership Effectiveness in Non-State Enterprises of China ;

    关于 领导有效性的研究较多,但对 建筑业这一 特定行业的研究 很少

  • Transformational grammars are more restrictive .

    转换 生成语法局限性更大。

  • Missing the correlation between investment and benefit is hindering continued pursuit of transformational activities .

    不把投资和收益关联在 一起正在阻碍对 改革活动的持续跟进。

  • This year is the50th anniversary of the birth of the Transformational and Generative Grammar .

    今年是 转换生成语法诞生50周年。

  • Transformational Vocabulary not only helps us eliminate patterns of pain but can also increase our pleasure .


  • The Effects of Transformational Leadership and Team Climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior : A Cross-Level Model


  • Research on the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employees ' Knowledge Innovation Behavior
