transformer coil

[trænsˈfɔrmɚ kɔɪl][trænsˈfɔ:mə kɔil]


  • Mostly we are selling transformer power choke coil electron transformer equip and so on .

    我们主营 变压器、功率 电感、电子、变压器配件等。

  • Design of Three-phase Transformer Coil Connection Arrangement Instrument

    三相 变压器 线圈联结组别测定仪的设计

  • Using the RLC nonlinear circuit composed of the normal incandescent lamp the transformer coil and the electric capacity we may demonstrate the different phenomenon in nonlinear systems such as the common glimmer single stability double stability and so on .

    由普通钨丝灯泡、 变压器 线圈和电容组成的非线性RLC串联铁磁谐振电路,可以演示非线性系统常见的单稳态、双稳态、状态的自动跳变(闪灭)等各种现象。

  • Testing by Three Points Method of the Direct Current Resistance in Power Transformer Coil

    大型电力 变压器 绕组直流电阻三点法测试研究

  • Differential thrust bearing magnetic coil structure is similar to differential transformer displacement sensor coil structure . In this case the mechanical part of the inductive sensor design provides reference and convenience .

    磁悬浮推力轴承线圈差动结构形式与差动 变压器 位移传感器 线圈的结构相似,为电感式传感器的机械部分设计提供了参考和便利。

  • The wool is all snarled up . transformer coil winding paper

    毛线缠结成一团了。 变压器 线圈缠绕用纸

  • The active Electronic current transformer ( ECT ) with air core coil as transducer compared with conventional transformer with iron core coil as transducer has excellent transforming characteristics high precision and wide bandwidth .

    有源型电子式电流互感器以空心线圈或光学元件作为传感元件,相对于以铁芯 线圈作为传感头的传统 互感 ,具有优良的传感特性、高精度以及宽频带。

  • Combined winding machine is the special equipment for production of transformer coil .

    变压器组合式绕线机是生产 变压器 线圈的专用装备。

  • Fitting is used for relay Magnetic head Transformer Inflames coil Inductance wait for coil 's round make .

    适用于继电器、磁头、 变压器、点火 线圈、电感等线圈的绕制。

  • In this paper equivalent circuits for calculating harmonic voltages and the frequency method for calculating transient voltages of transformer coil are developed . A mathematical model for calculating transient voltages for single and three phase transformer coil is derived .

    本文提出了计算 变压器 线圈谐波电压用的等值电路,以及计算 变压器 线圈暂态电压的频率法,导出了单相和三相变压器线圈暂态电压的计算模型。

  • In this paper the thorough studies on a mathematical model that can simulate exactly the hysteresis loops of transformer coil are carried out and the method of obtaining the model is deduced .

    本文对一种能准确模拟 变压器 线圈磁滞回环的数学模型进行了深入研究,推导了获得该模型的具体方法;

  • Check whether screws loose on the induction power unit power distributor cabinet transformer and induction coil .

    检查中频、控制柜、 变压器和感应 线圈上的螺丝是否不牢固。

  • And in this paper We derive a number of design formulas : the step hight of waveform 1 w_1592 the commutation capacitor . and inductor 2 w_1602 and the transformer coil number 3 w_1611 .

    文中导出了:脉冲高度关系〔1〕,谐波分量,换相电感、电容的计算公式〔2〕,以及为获得此脉冲波的 变压器 线圈 数的计算公式〔3〕。

  • Finally particle swarm algorithm is introduced to optimize the electric field of the UHV transformer coil and outlet device with the same method . Additionally merits and demerits are analyzed on the optimization algorithms of this paper .

    最后,采用同样的方法,将粒子群算法引入到特高压 变压器 线圈及其出线装置电场的优化设计中,并分析了几种算法的优缺点。

  • A number of design formulars for the step height of waveform the transformer coil and commutation components are derived .

    文中导出了这一波形的阶梯高度、 变压器 线 和换流元件的设计公式。

  • Then the genetic algorithms and the finite element analysis are integrated to optimize the electric field of UHV transformer coil and outlet device by operating parameter delivery in VC + + 6.0 and ANSYS programming .

    采用这种方法,将遗传算法与有限元分析结合起来,通过VC++6.0和ANSYS对外部文件的读写实现参数的传递,从而完成了对 变压器 线圈及其出线装置电场的优化设计。

  • Transformer Coil DC Resistance Test and its Result Analysis

    变压器 线圈直流电阻测量及结果分析

  • Epoxy cast dry-type distribution transformer high-voltage coil sealed by epoxy resin casting using epoxy resin performance cracking high temperature high mechanical strength long life .

    环氧浇注干式配电 变压器高低压 线圈都由环氧树脂浇注密封,所采用的环氧树脂性能好,抗裂,耐高温,机械强度高,寿命长。

  • This paper is detailed to introduce the BP Artificial Neural Network model and algorithm establishing BP Artificial Neural Network predicting model of transformer coil temperature rising and verify its possibility and advantage .

    文章详细介绍了BP神经网络模型和算法,建立了 变压器 绕组温度预测和人工神经元网络BP模型,并验证了其可行性和优越性。

  • A Mathematical Model of Hysteresis for Transformer Coil and Its Application

    变压器 线圈磁滞回环的数学模型及应用

  • Switching power transformer coil for notebook-computer processed for American company and inductance coils of various kinds .

    为美国公司加工生产的笔记本电脑用开关电源 变压 线圈及各类电感线圈。

  • Influence of Transformer Tertiary Coil Leakage Reactance on Harmonic Filtration and Its Solution

    变压器第三 线圈漏抗对滤波效果的影响及其解决方法

  • Transformer coil winding paper

    变压器 线圈缠绕用纸

  • Recognition on fault of transformer coil hot-spot using Fuzzy ART

    基于FuzzyART网络识别 变压器 绕组过热故障

  • Design and Application of Hydraulic System for Transformer Coil Desiccator

    变压器 线圈干燥装置液压回路设计与应用

  • Some suggestions about the design of grounding transformer and arc-suppression coil system are put forward .

    最后,对接地 和消弧 线圈系统的设计提出了自己的一些建议。

  • A Study of Transient Thermal Circuit Model for the Cable Transformer Coil Based on Finite Element Method

    基于有限元法的电缆 变压器 绕组的暂态热路模型研究

  • Considering the distribution disparity in the large-scale transformer coil the improvement method to calculate model parameters has been proposed . All of chapter two establishes the foundation for analyzing the transformer internal fault in detail .

    考虑到大型 变压器 线圈分布的不均匀性,提出了计算仿真模型参数的改进方法,为详细分析变压器内部故障奠定了基础。

  • To the general circuit design it is no need to research the interaction of the transformer magnetic material and coil current but it is very important to the study of transient character of inverter .

    一般电路设计对磁性材料和 绕组电流相互之间的 电磁相互作用研究较少,而这对逆变器快速瞬态性能有重要影响。

  • Uprating Scheme and Technical Economical Comparison for 110 kV Transformer with Aluminum Coil

    110kV铝 绕组 变压器增容改造方案和经济技术比较