transfer time

[trænsˈfɚ taɪm][trænsˈfə: taim]


  • Differential Analysis on Influence of Wagon-flows for Transfer Time

    车流对 货车 影响的微分分析

  • In most Web applications network transfer time is the biggest bottleneck .

    在大多数Web应用程序中,网络 传输 时间是主要的瓶颈。

  • Transfer type and transfer time should be selected according to load characteristic as well as the location of ATSE in the whole power supply and distribution system .

    根据负荷特性和ATSE在整个供配电系统中的位置选择转换类型及 转换 时间

  • When loading a program from the off-chip memory into SRF for execution the storage consumption and the data transfer time are two key factors which affect the system performance .

    因此,将程序由主存载入SRF中执行时,对SRF的空间需求以及数据 传输 时间成了影响系统性能的两个重要因素。

  • Based on analyzing the process of heat transfer in intermittent caldron a formula was derived for calculating the heat transfer time and heat transfer area of the intermittent caldron and was applied to calculation of some examples .

    通过对间歇釜传热过程的分析,推导出间歇釜 传热 时间和传热面积的计算公式。附有说明计算方法的实例。

  • With a YSlow report you can analyze the different aspects of the network transfer to understand what can be done to decrease the transfer time .

    可以通过YSlow报告分析网络传输的不同方面,了解如何减少 传输 时间

  • Nevertheless the effective time of the agreement is not equal to the transfer time of shareholdings .

    但合同生效时间不等同于股权的 变动 时间

  • When combined the cache capacity on the drive the disk algorithms used the interface speed and the areal density produce a disk transfer time .

    驱动器上的缓存容量、所使用的硬盘算法、接口速度和磁录密度组合到一起,就构成了磁盘 传输 时间

  • A noncoplanar conic transfer arithmetic based on transfer time constraint

    基于 转移 时间约束的异面圆锥曲线变轨算法

  • The time it takes to complete an I / O request ( referred to as disk latency ) is a combination of seek time rotational latency and disk transfer time .

    而完成一次I/O请求(称为磁盘延迟时间)所需要的时间是寻道时间、旋转延迟时间和磁盘 传输 时间之和。

  • Notice that the major part of the swap time is transfer time .

    注意,交换时间的主要部分是 移动 时间

  • Take the terminal state transfer time and energy consumption standard as constraint condition a method of design the optimal energy transfer orbit is given a transfer orbit based on continuous velocity pulse maneuver is getted and diminish the energy consumption in the orbit transfer .

    本文以末值状态, 转移 时间和能耗指标等作为约束条件,给出了最优能耗转移轨道的设计方法,得到基于连续速度脉冲机动的转移轨道,减小了轨道转移过程中的能量消耗。

  • The foaming time and transfer time almost haven ′ t influenced on the cell diameter and cell density .

    发泡时间和 放气 时间对微孔直径和密度影响不大;

  • The influence of rotate speed and filling rate on the heat transfer time of mixing oil shale and solid heat carrier and temperature distribution uniformity among particles has been conducted .

    模拟 研究了干馏炉转速和物料填充率对于油页岩与固体 载体间混合 时间以及颗粒间温度分布均匀性的影响。

  • This paper introduces a theory of two-way optic time transfer which uses DWDM technology in a single fiber and achieves directional to transfer time information .

    论文介绍了利用DWDM技术实现单纤双向 传输的双向比对法 授时方案,该方案抑制了利用光纤业务授时而导致的双向信道延时不对称问题。

  • All of them fail to solve concurrently two conflicting problems : transfer time minimization and worst case constraints .

    它们都未能和谐地解决两个对立问题: 转移 时间最小化和最差约束问题。

  • With the using of this system the work intensity of dispatcher and transfer time of work bill is greatly reduced and the correctitude and efficiency of working bill and operating bill are effectively improved .

    此系统的应用,大大减轻了工作人员书写工作票的劳动强度,有效缩短了工作票的 传递 时间,提高工作票和操作票的正确率和效率。

  • Time : When the transfer time to reach the hot plate does not rise shall check whether the contact valve is burned burned or timetable .

    时间:当 烫印 时间到达而发热板未升起,则须检查电磁阀触点是否烧坏或时间表是否烧坏。

  • Additional query and data transfer time was required .

    需要更多的查询和数据 传输 时间

  • The above reactions have little effect on the transfer time in the groundwater flow path .

    地下水流路径上所发生的 水文地球化学反应对路径上 14C的浓度变化影响较小。

  • In addition the locus of perigee and lunar impact points are given and the characteristic of the locus with variation of the transfer time are discussed .

    给出了这些 转移轨道的近地点和着月点的轨迹,并讨论了轨迹随飞行 时间变化的特性。

  • The results show the optimal transfer orbits are almost circular and transfer time is long .

    计算结果表明,小推力作用下的最优转移轨道几乎为圆形, 转移 时间较长。

  • Instead you should keep the interface small and lean to keep the amount of data to transfer as small as possible thus reducing the transfer time JDBCPerf w_810 .

    相反,您应该使接口变小,并且使要传输的数据量尽可能的小,从而减少 传输 时间JDBCPerfw_837。

  • By using Characteristic Functions Expansion and Functional Analysis methods and under certain assumptions for Control domain initial and final value functions solution of optimal transfer time t is obtained . Also are Obtained existence and uniqueness and extremum property of Optimal control .

    利用特征函数展开与泛函分析的方法,对控制区域、初值函数与终值函数作了某些假设的条件下,得到了最优 过渡 时间的求法及最优控制的存在性、唯一性与极值性。

  • The total transfer time is directly proportional to the amount of memory swapped .

    总的 移动 时间是直接成比例的内存交换数量。

  • The transfer time model should not be limited farmers should not be forced and the interests of farmers should be guranteed as well .

    坚持做到不限定 流转 时间、不限定流转模式、不强迫农民意愿、不侵害农民利益。

  • Finally article to take Xian as an example detailed elaborate the calculation process of the transfer time and logit matrix and as a result get correspond analysis to the calculation .

    最后文章以西安为例详细阐述了上一章引入的 换乘 次数和logit回归模型的计算过程,并对计算结果做出了相应分析。

  • Then efficiency of transfer over Internet is analyzed . Two main measures for time delay optimization : traffic configuration optimization and route selection optimization are used for reducing average transfer time delay .

    然后分析了Internet的网络传输时效性,采用时延优化的两种主要措施:容量配置优化和路由选择优化减少了整个测控系统的平均 传输 时延

  • Today a one-stop border post that the World Bank helped establish has cut down the transfer time to two hours or less .

    而如今,由世界银行帮助建立的一站式边境哨所使 递交 时间减少两个小时或更多。

  • I told him about sydney 's transfer time .

    他告诉我雪梨的 移交 时间