transfusion apparatus

[trænsˈfjuʒən ˌæpəˈretəs][trænsˈfju:ʒən ˌæpəˈreitəs]

[医] 输血器

  • All the things which have caused harmful consequences through injection medicine-taking infusion of fluid blood transfusion and use of apparatus shall be sealed up for safekeeping temporarily for on-the-spot examination .

    因注射、服药、输液、 输血以及使用 器械引起不良后果的,应当暂时封存有关实物,以备查验。

  • Clinical Utilization of Double Head Fine Filtering Transfusion Apparatus

    双头精细过滤 输液 在临床中的应用

  • Conclusions The gynaecology minimally invasive caesarean by using transfusion apparatus and negative pressure attracting implement adapts to benign diseases of accessories .

    结论 输血 配合负压吸引器行微创开腹手术适合附件良性病变。

  • The utility model relates to a blood transfusion infusion heating apparatus for medical belonging to the technical field of medical equipment .

    一种医用 输血、输液 加热器,它属于医疗器械技术领域。

  • Use of Fine Transfusion Apparatus for the Prevention of Phlebitis in the Infusion of Sodium Aescinate

    精细 输液 预防静脉滴注七叶皂苷钠致静脉炎效果观察

  • Methods Make comparision between the 248 cases in which received the minimal invasion operation by using transfusion apparatus and negative pressure attracting implement has been received and the 124 cases in which used the traditional operation method is used .

    方法对本院因附件良性病变需 手术 治疗的248例患者采用 输血 配合负压吸引器行微创开腹手术,与同期124例患者采用传统手术方法进行比较。

  • Application of Precise Filtering Transfusion Apparatus in Intravenous Transfusion of Traditional Chinese Drug

    精密过滤 输液 在中药静脉输液中的应用

  • The anti-fall transfusion apparatus is particularly suitable for patients in light coma or dysphoria to reduce the workload of medical personnel .

    特别适用于浅昏迷病人或是 躁动病人,减轻了医护人员工作量。

  • Comparison of Two Kinds of Single-use Transfusion Apparatus

    对两种一次性 输液 微粒检测比较

  • The flowing blood or medicine liquid in tubes of a disposable blood transfusion infusion apparatus is heated outside the tubes by the utility model .

    产品是在一次性使用的 输血、输液 管道外面给管内流动着的血液或药液加热的。

  • The wastes from medical organization such as syringes with remained blood and transfusion apparatus etc are attented and supervised by the society because of its speciality .

    医疗机构产生的废物,如残留血液的注射器、 输液 等,因其特殊性更加受到全社会的重视与监督。