


  • For small companies they can be transformative .

    对小公司而言,这些发现有可能让 它们 一举 翻身

  • By introducing the transformative knapsack problem into the scheme the security of new scheme one is strengthened .

    通过引入 变形的背包问题,新方案一的安全性进一步提高。

  • What they did uniquely was to imagine the broader ecosystems in which those products could become transformative .

    他们独一无二之处在于设想了更广阔的生态系统,让这些产品能够 发生 变革

  • This will be a transformative version of the rental model . We 're incredibly excited about it .

    这将是一个 转型版本的租赁模式,我们对此是难以置信地激动。

  • And yet it could be a transformative deal whose full implications will take years to emerge .

    但它的 变革 意义将在数年之后完整地突显出来。

  • Is the status upgrade a transformative event ?

    这样的地位提升对公司是不是一件 变革 的大事?

  • Transformative power will belong to a new global middle class .

    相反推动 转变的力量将属于一个新兴的全球中产阶层。

  • Was the war a transformative experience for the Soviet system or did it reinforce features already prominent ?

    这场战争对苏维埃的制度来说是一个 转变的经验吗?或者只是加深原有特征使其更为显著?

  • On the other hand critical life events can spur a transformative learning experience that may shape a career and life direction .

    另一方面,重大的人生事件可能改变一 个人的学习 经历,学习经历会决定职业的发展方向和生活导向。

  • For world markets the impact of this reform could be transformative .

    这一改革可能会造成 改变全球市场的影响。

  • Philip Verleger an energy economist said the US was going through transformative change .

    能源经济学家菲利浦弗莱杰(PhilipVerleger)表示,美国将经历 变革 改革。

  • I decided that much of my future traveling would have some transformative dimension to it .

    我决定我将来的很多旅行将会具有 自我 改造的意义。

  • The impressive part is that the same guy had a hand in so many transformative changes .

    令人钦佩的是,他一个人参与了这么多 翻天覆地的变革。

  • And that was a transformative experience for me in the same way my undergraduate experience had been .

    那儿我又经历了一次 自我 转变,就像我本科生时的经历一样。

  • The rise of living alone has been a transformative social experience .

    独居兴起 改变社会。

  • Reactor Concepts Research Development and Demonstration ; Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation ; and Transformative Research .

    反应堆概念的研究,开发和示范核能先进的建模与仿真和 变革研究。

  • He had a power that was immediate and transformative .

    他具有直接 改变人的力量。

  • Introducing concepts and organisations with transformative potential is just the beginning .

    采纳具有 变革潜力的概念和组织只是一个开始。

  • Transformative expansion in the industry is not cheap .

    在这个行业进行 转型扩张的 代价不菲。

  • The internet enables transformative services to be available everywhere regardless of where they were invented .

    互联网让全球任何一个地方都能获得 革命性的服务,不管它们是在哪里发明的。

  • I have found and continue to find this Attunement to be deeply transformative .

    我已经发现,并且我一直不断的发现:这个调音具深深的 改造 作用

  • My adventure as a provider of genuine affection and loving-kindness has evolved into a deeply personal and spiritually transformative journey .

    我作为一个供应商的真正冒险感情和慈爱,已经发展成了一个人和精神上的 转变的旅程。

  • A Study of the SEZs ' Mode Based on the Original Market and the Transformative Market

    基于原生市场和 转型市场的特区模式研究

  • People are more concerned about trust especially in a transformative period when a new system of trust has not been established said Yang .

    人们更关心信任问题,特别是在 转型时期当一个新的信任体系还未确定时,杨说。

  • The fusion body is transfigurative in nature but transformative in posture .

    融合体的本质是转形的,但姿态是 转化的。

  • And the transformative effect of fatherhood is particularly apparent in older men they claim .

    研究 人员还声称,这种父 转变效应在年龄较大的男人身上表现得更加明显。

  • As Phillips and Taylor argue the vulnerable sort of kindness encourages a feeling of aliveness that is transformative ; we can only fulfil our humanity through being kind .

    正如菲利普斯和泰勒所说,这种脆弱的善意促成了一种有 改造 能力的生存意识;我们只能通过善意来实践我们的人性。

  • The Transformative Function of Mainstream Ideology in Ideological and Political Education

    思想政治教育中主流意识形态的 塑造作用