New situation of Chinese desertification demands transformat ion of the Three-North Forest Shelterbelt Program which should solve the conf li ctions firstly .
新形势下的荒漠化 防治要求三北防护林体系工程必须发生相应的转型,这种转型应以解决三大矛盾冲突入手。
After that using the ETL tool to clean and transformat the source datas which have quality problems such as errors and inconsistencies data finally loading data into the data warehouse . 3 .
然后通过 ETL工具对源数据中的存在的错误的、不一致等有质量问题的数据进行清洗 转换,最后将数据加载到 目标数据仓库中。
HHT method is made up of Empirical Mode Decomposition ( EMD for short ) and hilbert transformat its core part is EMD .
HHT方法由经验模态分解EMD和Hilbert 变换 两部分 组成,其核心部分是EMD。