transverse weld

[trænsˈvə:s wɛld][trænsˈvɜ:s weld]


  • The rear impact roller stretches the weld longitudinally with transverse compressive plastic deformation of the weld thus reducing the residual deformation and stresses in the bead .

    后轮将 焊缝金属的纵、 横向压缩塑性变形充分碾展,减小了 工件的残余变形和应力。

  • The transverse weld topography the connect width between plates and tension and shear load were analyzed when the incident angle changed .

    分析了入射角改变对 焊接 外观形貌、 焊缝 截面焊缝板间连接宽度以及所承受的拉剪载荷的影响。

  • The Analysis on the Regulating and Controlling of Transverse Residual Stress in Butt Weld

    对接 焊缝 横向残余应力的调节与控制

  • The critical cracking equation as well as the critical preheating temperature of transverse HIC in weld metal can be obtained by G-BOP test .

    利用G-BOP试验方法,得到了临界预热温度和 焊缝 横向氢致冷裂纹临界开裂方程。

  • In multi-pipe multi-pass welding the transverse deformation after weld in symmetry welding was decreased compared with that in ordinal welding and the weld quality is better .

    多管多道焊接时,采用对称排列焊接 横向变形比顺序排列焊接明显减小,焊接质量较好。

  • At the same time the mechanism by which the restraint condition influences the susceptibility of hot cracking was analysed in combination with the real-time measurement of transverse displacement across the weld .

    同时结合跨 焊缝 两侧 横向位移的实时测量结果,分析了拘束条件对 焊接热裂纹倾向产生影响的机制。

  • In order to solve this weld problem the influence factor on transverse temperature location of weld zone have been researched such as V angle the distance from induce tance coil to weld points structure stress weld speed and welder power .

    针对这个焊接难题,对 焊接横向温度分布的影响因素&V形角、感应线圈到焊接点的距离、结构应力、焊接速度和焊机功率进行了研究。

  • Distribution law of residual stresses which are parallel or transverse to the butt weld in the section of welding direction and of transverse direction has been obtained by way of measurement . The paper provides a basis for further studying distribution law of residual welding stress .

    通过试验得出了沿焊缝线上及 垂直焊缝各截面上的纵向应力与横向应力分布规律,为进一步研究焊接残余应力分布规律,提供了依据。

  • Fracture parameters for a joint containing a transverse crack in the longitudina (?) overmatched weld

    硬夹层中含有 垂直裂纹的 焊接接头的断裂参量研究

  • In the stress distribution cloud can also be seen the two rib and the transverse junction has the obvious stress concentration phenomenon and appears in the weld prone to cracking later in the optimization design of the problem it is necessary to be solved .

    在应力分布云图上还可以看出,两个肋板与 横板连接处有明显的应力集中现象,并且出现在 焊缝 ,极易出现开裂,在以后的优化设计中这是最需要解决的问题。

  • Transverse tensile tests showed that the strengths and elongation of the weld was only slightly lower than those of parent material with ultimate tensile strength of weld reaching 95 % of the parent material .

    接头 横向拉伸测试显示 接头的强度和延伸率仅略低于母材,接头的抗拉强度能够达到母材的95%。此外,焊接 接头 影响 发生断裂,这与最低硬度 分布 相吻合的。

  • This paper introduces the structure of laser vision sensor for weld automatic tracking and explains the image collection process . It also expatiates on the image processing method which determines weld transverse center position in weld image and gains longitudinal error of torch .

    设计了用于焊缝自动跟踪的激光视觉传感器,介绍了传感器的结构,说明了图像采集过程,阐述了确定焊缝图像中 焊缝 横向中心位置以及获取焊炬 相对于 焊缝纵向偏差的图像处理方法。