track spacing

[træk ˈspesɪŋ][træk ˈspeisiŋ]


  • In this paper aiming at the characteristics of urban track traffic research has been done mainly on support spacing of rail on integrated ballast bed of viaduct .

    因此本文针对城市 轨道交通的特点,着重对高架桥上整体道床的钢轨支承 间距进行研究, 计算分析了不同轨枕 间距对轨道结构 力学特性的影响。

  • Track to Zero distance The Long Spacing VDL

    零距离 追踪长源 变密度测井

  • The greater amount of information stored on a DVD is chiefly due to the smaller pit size and tighter track spacing but another factor comes into play namely compression .

    一张DVD能储存较大数量的信息,主要是因为光盘较小的凹坑和紧密的 轨迹间隔,但是另外一个因素也发挥了作用,即压缩。

  • The paper also explores the impact of track bed resistance fastening resistance filler resistance and spacing between master block and slave block of the limit device on track stress and track deformation .

    探讨 道床阻力、扣件阻力、 间隔铁阻力以及限位器子母块间隙对钢轨受力与变形的影响。

  • Calculating the Track Spacing of Double-track Railways with the Synthetic Formula of Curve Surveying

    用《曲线测设综合公式》计算 复线 间距

  • Different design Standards should be taken because of the characteristics of the urban track traffic so the reasonable standards technical security investment economic targets can be assured . The Support spacing of rail is one of the main design standards .

    城市 轨道交通的这些特点,决定了其应采用有别于国铁 轨道的设计标准,以达到标准合理,技术安全,投资经济的目标。