[计]美国 Microsoft 公司1980年推出的unix(操作)系统

  • Chinese Information Processing and Xenix Kernel Expanding and Modifying

    汉字处理与 Xenix核心的扩充和改造

  • The paper describes an implementing method and way of adding the power to encrypt the file for on-screen editing command in XENIX system .

    本文叙述了一种在 XENIX系统中为屏幕编辑命令增加文件加密功能的实现方法及途径。

  • In this paper a scheme about background communication between one microcomputer and others by IBM-PC / XT and XENIX is introduced The softwares and the main points of technology are described .

    本文介绍了一种用微型计算机IBM-PC/XT和一 XENIX 接口 实现的点与 点间的后台通讯方案,并且详细介绍软件的实现方法及技术要点。

  • The design and implementation of c - XENIX

    英文 兼容 C-Xenix 系统 总体设计及实现

  • The Clearance of Terminal Fault in Computer XENIX Operating System

    计算机 用户 XENIX操作系统中终端故障的处理

  • Certain Methods to the Strengthening the Security of XENIX System

    加强 XENIX系统安全性的若干方法

  • The FCT is a file encryption tool designed by us for XENIX system .

    FCT是我们为 XENIX系统自行设计、开发的文件加密工具。

  • Finally the SCO VP / ix software package the Virtual DOS environment under XENIX is introduced .

    最后,介绍了美国SCO 公司 提供 XENIX环境下的虚拟DOS软件包VP/ix的 丰富 功能

  • Some issues about developing DOS software in the XENIX environment are discussed in detail .

    接着 较仔细地讨论了在 XENIX下开发DOS应用软件的问题。

  • UNIX as it goes from the laboratory to the public will become the international and industry standard of basic computer system software . Xenix is a business version of UNIX which runs on the IBM / PC AT and other 286 based microcomputers .

    UNIX从 AT&T的实验室走向社会,正逐渐成为计算机基本系统软件的国际标准和工业标准, Xenix 系统是在IBMPc/AT等286机器上运行的一种UNIX商业化版本。

  • According to the structure of UNIX / XENIX System we first analyse the kinds of Shell and introduce Shell command Shell programming language and the working process of Shell .

    根据 UNIX/XENIX系统的结构,首先分析Shell的种类,介绍Shell命令、Shell程序设计语言及Shell的工作过程。

  • An Estate Information Management System Based on XENIX

    基于 XENIX的房地产信息管理系统

  • This paper presents several methods to deal with terminal fault in XENIX operating system .

    介绍了 XENIX操作系统下几种终端故障的处理方法。

  • The DOS utilities of XENIX and their usage are briefly introduced first and then a Shell grogram is presented which transfers files directories and even a whole file system of DOS to XENIX file system .

    我们首先简介了 XENIX 的DOS实用程序及其使用方法,然后讨论并提供了在XENIX下把MS&DOS文件目录递归地传送到XENIX文件系统的SHELL程序。

  • The Development of Communication System Software Between PC / AT Microcomputer and VAX-11 / 750 Computer Under the CCDOS and XENIX Operating System

    在CCDOS和 XENIX操作系统下PC/AT微型机和VAX-11/750机通讯系统软件的开发

  • This paper introduces a method of implementing TCP / IP on PCs which run XENIX operating system .

    本文介绍在运行 XENIX操作系统的PC机上实现TCP/IP的一种方法。

  • This paper presents a parallel processing system constructed by transputer RISC and its interconnection method . The control supervision and communication of the system in the XENIX environment are discussed .

    本文讨论了用芯片机RISC构成并行处理系统及其互连方式,在此基础上着重讨论了在 XENIX环境 实现对系统的控制、管理和通讯等。

  • The Interface Between UNIX / XENIX and User & Shell and Its Debugging and Execution


  • XENIX Interactive Graphic System


  • It is important how to raise safety and stability of XENIX system .

    如何提高 XENIX系统的安全性、稳定性是很重要的。

  • Using the XENIX to DOS cross development system

    使用 XENIX XENIX DOS交叉开发系统

  • The preliminary running of XENIX / SE shows that it greatly enhances the security of XENIX and maintains compatibility with XENIX .

    XENIX/SE基本系统在COMPAQ386微机上初步运行表明,它极大地提高了 XENIX的安全性并能够保持与XENIX的兼容性。

  • The Application and Research of An Interface Shell Between UNIX / XENIX and User


  • This paper introduces and discusses the overall issues of XENIX to DOS cross-development system or XENIX of the application transition from DOS to XENIX and of using both DOS and XENIX at same time .

    本文较全面地介绍和讨论了 XENIX的XENIX→DOS交叉开发系统的使用和 用户从DOS向XENIX过渡以及DOS和XENIX两种操作系统混用的问题。

  • This paper expounds in detail the involved problems of terminal in UNIX / XENIX system and discusses the issue and method of using terminal technology in UNIX / XENIX system .

    阐述终端在 UNIX/XENIX系统中所涉及的主要问题,并探讨了在UNIX/XENIX系统中使用终端需要解决的问题和方法。

  • XENIX Operating System & the standard UNIX on the 16-bit Micros


  • Implementing tcp / ip in user space of pc / xenix


  • An implementation of SCADA system based on UNIX / xenix environment in power system

    UNIX/XENIX数据 处理环境上开发电网实时监控系统的一种技术实现

  • XENIX / SE is a secure operating system based upon XENIX whose targets are enhancing security and keeping compatibility with XENIX .

    XENIX/SE是一个基于 XENIX的安全操作系统,其目标是增强安全性且保持与XENIX的兼容性。

  • Adding the Power to Encrypt the File for On-Screen Editing Command in XENIX System

    增加 XENIX系统屏幕编辑命令的文件加密功能