This allows donation of this group to an acceptor substrate in transmethylation reactions .
这使得该基团在 转 甲基反应中 能贡献 出一个 甲基给 另一个受体。
Synthesis of 2 by transmethylation of β - methylnaphthalene
甲基萘 转移 甲基 化合成2二 甲基萘
A survey of researching progress on lycine nutrition mechanism was made involving in the applications of transmethylation metabolism of amino acid protein and fat resistance of disease and stress regulation of osmotic pressure and phagostimulant .
从甜菜碱的 转 甲基 功效,参与氨基酸、蛋白质及脂肪代谢,抗病、抗应激效应,调节渗透压,诱食效应等方面的应用情况,阐述了甜菜碱营养机理的研究进展,为进一步开发利用甜菜碱提供参考。
SAM is an important intermediate metabolites in the organism . Through the transmethylation . turning C amino and transsulfuration . SAM involved a lot of biochemical reactions so SAM has a wide range of physiological function .
S-腺苷蛋氨酸(简称SAM)是生物体内的重要的次级中间代谢产物,通过 转 甲基、转丙氨基、转硫等作用参与生物体大量生化反应,具有广泛的生理作用。