That mobile phone that I take now clean out treasure net to go up to still have in the morning had done not have afternoon .
我现在拍的那款手机,上午 淘宝网上还有,下午就已经没有了。
Treasure Hunt - ( outdoor only ) Pick up randomly scattered treasures across the zone for the highest point total .
寻宝大行动-(户外) 拿起随机散布在整个区域的宝箱以得最高得分。
What is a state treasure ? Speeding up the standard formulation for biomass pellet fuel
加快制定我国 生物质成型燃料的标准
The third treasure is your journals : the ideas that you picked up the information that you meticulously gathered .
第三 件 珍品就是你的日记:你记下的想法,你留意 收藏的信息。
TO treasure up Xinjiang with mulberry bark paper .
用桑皮纸 珍藏新疆。
Dan Liuzhao happiness expresses the road is high one feet evil spirit is high one a unit of length naughty treasure also is learning ceaselessly the hope can chase after go up change .
但陆兆禧表示,道高一尺魔高一丈, 淘宝也在不断学习,希望能够 追 的 上变化。
Some may disagree but I believe America is exceptional & in part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interests but for the interests of all .
有些人可能不同意,但我认为美国是独特的部分原因是,我们展现了我们愿意通过献出自己的鲜血和 财富 挺身而出,不仅仅是为了狭隘的自身利益,而且为了所有人的利益。
Researches in basic science aspire after learning value and the results with learning value are precious treasure which the researchers offer up to society even future which is the largest instant solicitude given by ancient literature research .
基础研究追求的是“学术价值”,而富有学术价值的成果,是学术研究者向社会、甚至是向未来奉献的宝贵 财富,这也是他最大的“当下关怀”。
Treasure naturally in the heart transformation in nature can lightly made up to wipe suitable while being agricultural .
心中 珍爱自然,对自然的改造,就会 淡妆农抹总相宜。
When they arrived at the place the treasure was buried all of a sudden Nanda became puffed up with how important he was .
当他们到达藏 财产的地方时,南达突然骄傲自大 起来。
To treasure up knowledge in silence to learn without satiety and to instruct others without tiredness .
Perhaps they said right the only injury will Gengdong the treasure only to give up how will know that they love .
也许他们说的对,只有伤过了,才会更懂的 珍惜,只有 放弃 了,才会知道自己有多爱。
And the experience is a precious treasure in my lifetime which makes me grow up .
这段日子是我人生的一笔宝贵 财富,它使我 成长 了许多。
The Mule carrying the treasure walked with head erect as if conscious of the value of his burden and tossed up and down the clear toned bells fastened to his neck .
这只载着 财宝的骡子仰首阔步走着,好象它知道它所载的东西是很有价值似的, 一上一下地摇晃系在它颈间发出声响的铃当。
I hope you will treasure up the instructions which I have given you and make them a guide to your feet and a light to your understanding .
我希望大家会 铭记我给你们的 言教,让它成为你们脚下的指南和悟性的明灯。
The treasure trove of content on Facebook for instance doesn 't generally show up on Google ( GOOG ) .
比如,Facebook的 海量内容通常不会显示在谷歌(Google)搜索结果之中。
I treasure up my father 's dying words .
我 铭记父亲的遗言。
Treasure up the estival wind
Do not forget to have already got to treasure not to give up their own have lost the memories remain so .
曾经拥有的不要忘记,已经得到的更要 珍惜,属于自己的不要 放弃,已经失去的留做回忆。
He likes to treasure up stamps .
他喜欢 珍藏邮票。
The unique regional culture and the deep accumulation of historical culture is a kind of valuable treasure which provides a broad stage for building up the small cities and towns .
独特的地域文化和丰厚的历史文化底蕴是一种宝贵的 财富,为城镇建设提供了广阔的舞台。
Whether a Pandora 's box or a treasure chest has yet to be seen and is up to the users to decide .
它呈现的是潘多拉魔盒还是 藏 宝箱, 就要看使用者如何把握了。
And the Solomon islands after eight months of failure to find treasure had witnessed the breaking up of the expedition .
八个月的 寻宝活动失败, 探宝 队在所罗门群岛解散 了。
Kip Wagner a beachcomber living on the Florida coast discovered the location of the sunken treasure after finding a number of coins dated 1714 washed up on the shore .
一位居住在弗罗里达海边的流浪者KipWagner发现沙滩上冲 上来很多1714年的硬币,后来他找到了这些沉没的 珍宝。
A Study of the Tonnage of the Zheng He Fleet in the Light of Archaeological Experiment ; The largest vessels 133-meter-long treasure ships had up to nine masts and could carry a thousand people .
从考古文物实验辨析郑和 宝船的吨位船队中最大的一艘船被称为 宝船,其船身长达133米,船桅 多达九根,可搭载一千人。
美[ˈtrɛʒɚ ʌp]英[ˈtreʒə ʌp]