



  • Application of caterpillar rock trencher in pipeline construction

    履带式岩石 开沟 在管道建设中的应用

  • Study on the Dynamic Characteristics for Trenching Implement of Chain-type Trencher

    链式 挖沟 挖沟器动态特性研究

  • As is seen in the cartoon the graduate with a trencher cap in his head is at a cross of his life not knowing which road he should take .

    正如图片所示,一个毕业生带着一 学士 在他人生的十字路口,不知道该走哪条路。

  • The Monitoring Technology of Underwater Trencher and Its Application

    水下 开沟 的监测技术与应用

  • It is tireless this wind and that is its mistake . She complained that Mrs. Trencher was a tireless and aggressive gossip .

    风, 地刮,似乎 永远不知疲倦, 然而这正是它失策的地方。地埋怨 特连 卓尔太太是个从来就不知疲倦,不顾别人的长舌妇。

  • Supporting Structure of Main Drive Shaft on Trencher

    挖沟 主传动轴的支撑结构

  • Calculation of Material-receiving Point on the Conveyor Belt of Chain-teeth Type Trencher

    链齿式 挖沟 胶带受料点计算

  • Research of Engineering Trencher Working Mechanism

    工程 开沟 工作机理的研究

  • Full-automatically Controlled LC-2 Trencher and the Trenching Method of Constructing the Thin Concrete Diaphragm Wall for the Proof-permeation

    LC-2型全自动监控式拉槽 及拉槽法建造地下连续薄砼防渗墙技术

  • Chain trencher has become the new trenching machinery because of its efficient energy-saving and practical characteristics .

    链式 开沟 因其 兼顾高效、节能及实用等多方面的特点,已经成为当今新型的开沟机械。

  • The baccalaureate gown is not beautiful at all but it 's necessary to take a picture in it with the people who strive with you then throw the trencher cap into air .

    学士服一点也不美,但是一定要穿在身上和那些一起奋斗过的人们照张相,然后把帽子 高地 扔向空中。

  • And it focuses on analysis and calculation of the trencher gearbox . Transmission speed can be achieved with the edge of a farm operation ditching machine turning walking quickly switch between the transport rate .

    并重点对 开沟 变速箱进行了设计、分析与计算,通过变速箱可实现开沟机作业速度与地头转弯、行走运输速度之间的快速切换。

  • Therefore it is very necessary to study chain type trencher which will fill the trencher vacancy of our Country .

    因此,对链式 挖沟 进行研究 开发,填补我国在挖沟机方面的空白是当务之急。

  • Survey Technologies for Pipe and Cable Installation with Horizontal Directional Drilling A jet trencher is the necessary equipment for ocean pipeline installation .

    水平定向钻进铺设管线的测量技术 挖沟 铺设海底管线的必备设备。

  • Virtual Experiment Study of the Cutter of Orchard Chain-type Trencher

    果园链式 开沟 刀片的虚拟试验研究

  • She complained that Mrs. Trencher was a tireless and aggressive gossip .

    地埋怨 特连 卓尔太太是个 从来就不知疲倦,不顾别人的长舌妇。

  • The trencher is a kind of special underwater machinery for trenching and laying benthal pipeline whose main function is to complete the trenching and laying operations of submarine pipeline .

    挖沟 是一种海底管道开沟铺设的专用水下机械,其主要功能是完成对海底管线的开沟铺设作业。

  • Determination of service power in frozen ground trencher with chain bucket

    链斗式冻土 挖沟 作业功率的确定

  • A jet trencher is the necessary equipment for ocean pipeline installation .

    挖沟 是铺设海底管线的必备设备。

  • Here 's our reporter Lynne Trencher to tell us why many people regard the job as one of the most difficult in retailing . Hello Lynne .

    这里是我们的记者,来告诉我们为什么许多人认为这项工作在零售业中最为 辛苦

  • According to the structure and working principle of trenching implement of chain-type trencher the virtual prototype of trenching implement is established using software ADAMS / Engine and the simulation is also processed .

    根据链式 挖沟 挖沟器的结构和工作原理,利用ADAMS/Engine模块建立了挖沟器的虚拟样机模型。

  • Kinematic Analysis of a Bionic Trench Digger during Out of Soil Virtual Experiment Study of the Cutter of Orchard Chain-type Trencher

    仿生式开沟 出土过程的运动学分析果园链式 开沟 刀片的虚拟试验研究