A flight to safety saw the yield on the two-year US Treasury bill fall 38 basis points .
向安全资产的逃亡导致2年期美国 国债的收益率下跌38个基点。
They have started to ask what would be the impact from a crash not just on the Chinese economy but also on global iron ore consumption Latin American trade surpluses and treasury bill purchases .
他们开始想知道,上海股市的崩溃,会对中国经济,乃至全球铁矿石需求、拉美贸易盈余和 美国 国债购买产生什么影响。
But the ECB is unwilling to approve the debt sale . It will not raise a € 15bn ceiling on treasury bill issuance to $ 25bn as requested according to two officials involved in the deliberations .
但欧洲央行不愿意批准这一发债方案。据参与协商的两名官员透露,欧洲央行不会如希腊所要求,将150亿欧元的 国债发行上限提升至250亿美元。
Likewise commercial paper rates are near neutral versus treasury bill rates and incredibly low on an absolute basis .
同样的,商业票据利率相对于 短期 美国 国债 收益率处于接近中性的水平,绝对值低得令人难以置信。
Examples include stock market prices Treasury Bill rates and credit market conditions .
实例中包括股票市场价格, 短期 国债利率和信贷市场状况。
The yield on the three-month Treasury bill was unchanged at0.12 percent .
在三月短期 国库券上的投资收益百分之0.12是不变的。
The Treasury bill rate is4 percent and the expected return on the market portfolio is12 percent .
短期 国债利率为4%,市场投资组合的期望回报率为12%。
Also private investors have to factor in the movement back and forth between contango and backwardation as well as consider the impact of any move in Treasury Bill yields .
此外,私人投资者必须考虑到期货溢价和现货溢价之间的来回波动,同时还要考虑到 美国 国债收益率波动带来的影响。
Now traders investors and even bank managers need real knowledge and better ways of assessing risk to identify undervalued assets that might just perform better than the 2 per cent return on a treasury bill .
如今,交易员、投资者乃至银行经理都需要真正的知识和更好的风险评估方法,来辨识被低估的资产这些资产的表现可能仅略高于美国 国债2%的收益率。
Recipient countries would pay the IMF interest at a very low rate equivalent to the composite average treasury bill rate of all convertible currencies .
受援国将按极低的利率向imf支付利息,相当于所有可兑换货币 国债 收益率的综合平均水平。
That 's a huge spread to the one-year Treasury bill which is currently yielding less than one-third of a percentage point .
此类 基金相对政府票据的 差额可谓巨大。目前, 政府 票据的收益只有不足三分之一个百分点。
The prospect of a deal pushed Treasury bill yields higher on paper set to mature in late November and early December .
达成协议的前景,提高了11月末和12月初到期的 美国 短期 国债的收益率。
He found the spread between the commercial paper rate and the Treasury bill rate appears to be the best predictor .
他发现,“商业票据利率与 国债 票面利率的息差似乎是最好的先行指标”。
Can he thereby improve his expected rate of return without changing the risk of his portfolio ? The Treasury bill yield is6 percent .
他能因此提高其期望 回报率而不改变其投资组合的风险 吗?
While conditions elsewhere in the credit markets remained broadly stable yesterday the big shift in treasury bill yields encouraged speculation that the Federal Reserve would have to cut interest rates soon .
尽管其它信贷市场的状况昨日基本稳定,但 美国 国债收益率的大幅变动激起了人们的猜测,认为美联储不久将被迫降息。
The warnings came as investors accelerated their exit from the Treasury bill market as concern mounted about market turmoil should a failure to raise the debt ceiling result in a default this month .
IMF发出警告之际,投资者加速退出美国 短期 国债市场。人们日益担忧,若 美国不能提高举债上限,导致本月发生主权违约,市场将陷入动荡。
Grote said in the company website that the company still might by slightly be higher than the treasury bill to have the attraction interest rate to enter to the debt market .
格罗特在公司网站上称,公司仍然可以以略高于 国库券的具有吸引力的利率进入到债务市场。
In the Treasury bill market the three-month T-bill paid a0.12 percent yield .
在 短期 国库券市场,三个月的国库券支付百分之0.12投资收益率。
美[ˈtrɛʒəri bɪl]英[ˈtreʒəri bil]