




  • Tremble mortals and despair ! Doom has come to this world !

    颤抖 ,绝望 ,凡人。这个世界的末日到来了!

  • The spare hand does not tremble as he releases it ;

    他松了手,那消瘦的手没有 颤抖

  • Though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles .

    虽然整个房子,开始 颤抖,你亦感到那条旧绳索,绊住了你的脚踝。

  • Then suddenly she gave a low choking moan and began to tremble violently

    她突然发出一声低沉、憋闷的呻吟, 身体开始剧烈地 颤抖

  • Nothing and yet we tremble . why ?

    什么也没有 看到,但是我们 颤动 ,为什么?

  • Excitement and apprehension added a tremble to his voice .

    激动和恐惧使他的声音 有些 发颤

  • With trembling fingers he removed the camera from his pocket .

    他手指 哆嗦 从口袋里取出相机。

  • You want me to look upon your army and tremble ?

    你要我一见到你的军队 四肢 发抖

  • And what they told did tremble me !

    他们讲的 故事 震颤

  • Each star in Orion seemed to tremble and stir with my breath .

    猎户星座里的每一颗星星似乎 了我的呼吸 颤动

  • Concerning the prophets : My heart is broken within me ; all my bones tremble .

    论到那些先知,我心在我里面忧伤,我骨头都 发颤

  • The leaves tremble in the breeze .

    树叶在微风中 抖动

  • I have seen you tremble and lose countenance at a word .

    我看到你 听到那话后马上身子 发抖,脸色也变了。

  • Even while in the grasp of a ferocious monster like me he does not tremble with fear .

    尽管被我这样一个凶恶的妖怪抓住了,他却没有害怕地 颤抖

  • And suddenly I saw her lips begin to tremble and tears begin to flow down her cheeks .

    突然,我看见她的嘴唇开始 颤抖,眼泪顺着她的脸颊落下。

  • I 've seen him tremble and lose countenance with the word .

    只见他 浑身 发抖,立刻变了脸色。

  • His voice began to tremble and he looked like he was going to cry .

    他的声音开始 发抖,看起来好像要哭了。

  • We are fearful of this . Lord we tremble before You !

    主,我们在你 面前 战兢 恐惧

  • Would you tremble If I touched your lips ?

    你会 颤抖吗,如果我触碰你的嘴唇?

  • His voice trembled on the verge of tears .

    他声音 颤抖,泪水在眼眶里打转。

  • Suddenly his hands began to tremble .

    他的手突然 有些 发抖了。

  • He felt the earth tremble under him

    他感到大地在 脚下 颤动

  • The leaves trembled in the trees .

    树上的叶子 瑟瑟 抖动

  • I shall see him tremble .

    我要看着他 浑身 战抖

  • They can frighten you scramble your brains make you tremble .

    他们可以恐吓你,打破你的脑袋,使你 胆战心惊

  • His hands still rested on her shoulders and she felt them tremble and loved their trembling .

    他的两手仍然搭在她肩上。她觉得他的手还在 颤抖,并且很喜爱这样的颤抖。

  • His mouth became dry his eyes widened and he began to tremble all over

    他嘴唇发干,眼睛圆睁,全身开始 颤抖 起来

  • Edmond rose again but this time his legs did not tremble and his sight was clear ;

    爱德蒙又一次起身,这次他的腿不 了,也不再眼花目眩了。

  • Would you tremble when you saw god ?

    你们看到上帝会 不会 发抖啊?

  • Gil was white and trembling with anger

    吉尔脸色发白,气 发抖