The work at hand is not a theoretical treatise .
这本著作不是一篇理论性的 论文。
This description might be a word or a scientific treatise or a strong emotional response ;
这个描述可以是一句话,或者一篇科学 论文,或者是一种强烈的情感反应;
In this paper the author makes a study of some propositions on theory of number used by Qin Jiushao in his masterpiece Mathematical Treatise in Nine Chapters .
本文研究和整理了我国古代数学名著《数 书九章》大衍类 算题中的若干数论命题。
Aristotle wrote a treatise on literature called his Poetics .
亚里士多德写了一 本名为《诗学》的文学作品。
Master pioneering research is reflected in the treatise of gold .
大师开拓性的研究成果,都反映在一字千金的 论著中。
He 's the author of a six-volume treatise on trademark law .
他是六卷商标法 专著的作者。
An anthropologist write a treatise on some of these fable .
一位人类学家写了一 部关於这些寓言的 专著。
This is not a treatise on statistical theory .
这不是一 篇有关统计理论的 论文。
These studies are summarized in his book A Treatise on the Family written in1981 .
这些研究被总结在他的一本书里,在一 篇1981年写的关于家庭的 论文里。
In printing an unbound treatise on a subject or current topic of interest .
在印刷技术中,关于某个主题或目前感兴趣话题的一种未装订成 书 的 论文。
A detailed and documented treatise on a particular subject .
一个主题特殊的内容详细的文献 式 的 论文。
Gao quan-xi is the first treatise concerning hume 's philosophical thoughts in Chinese academic circles .
高全喜先生的 《休谟的政治哲学 》是国内学界研究休谈政治哲学思想的第一本 专著。
The subject leading edge region of the retire professor treatise by cited appraise function and citation analysis .
退休教授 论著被引及其评价功能是引文分析的学科前沿领域。
In our country still was in the brand-new domain to the Chinesepresent age clothing historical treatise research .
在我国,对中国当代服装 史论的研究尚处于崭新的领域。
This is a work of fiction not a philosophical treatise .
这是小说,不是哲学 论文。
Renoir 's classic treatise on war focusing on French prisoners during WWI and their cultured German commandant .
雷诺阿的经典 论著战争,侧重于第一次世界大战期间,法国犯人和他们的培养德国司令官。
No investment treatise written today could fail to comment on this development .
现如今写投资 学 论著,已经不可能避而不谈这些发展 变化了。
Our professor asked him to write a treatise on the subject .
我们的教授要求他就这个课题写 篇 论文。
A book or treatise on heraldry .
纹章集关于纹章的书或 论文。
In this treatise we emphasize first-order splines .
在这一 处理中,我们强调一级样条。
This treatise divide into four parts the first part introduce which is woman hero ;
A treatise or book dealing with iconography .
研究插图的 论文或书籍。
The treatise analyzes the characteristics of Foreign-related Tourism & foreign-related and regional ;
Problems of this type are not included in the present treatise .
这类问题不包括在 本文中。
Have established the educational pattern of person of outstanding ability has written the teaching people treatise .
创建了英才教育模式,撰写了《教人》 论著。
Emphasize the treatise the world main thoroughfare logistics net realizes with design the process .
着重 论述了天下通衢物流网的实现与设计过程。
I would be writing a novel or perhaps poetry or even a philosophical treatise .
我将要写一篇小说,或一首诗,甚至或是一篇哲学 论文。
His theories have been reduced in a popular treatise .
他的各种理论被总括在一篇通俗的 论文中。
“ The Classics on Tea ” written by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A.D. - 907 A.D. ) was the world 's earliest treatise on tea leave production .
中国唐代陆羽写的《茶经》是世界上最早的茶叶制作 专著。