


  • The Clinical Study of Using Tremor Three Needles in the Treatment of Parkinson 's Disease

    三针 为主治疗帕金森病的临床研究

  • Zonisamide treatment improved all main Parkinson disease symptoms in these patients including tremor and other disabling dyskinesias .

    唑尼沙胺的治疗改善了患者的主要帕金森病症状,包括 震颤和其它运动障碍。

  • The man heard a tremor in Reuben 's voice and could tell he was close to tears .

    那人感觉到鲁本的声音在 颤抖,知道他快要哭了。

  • There has been a tremor so slight that I did not even feel it .

    发生的 十分轻微,我甚至都没有感觉到。

  • PD is a degenerative disorder of the brain in which patients develop symptoms such as progressive tremor slowness of movements and stiffness of muscles .

    帕金森病是大脑退行性功能紊乱,患者可以发展为进行 加重 、活动缓慢和四肢肌肉僵硬。

  • Symptoms of hypoglycaemic events include but are not limited to palpitations tremor and sweating but severe manifestations can include seizure coma and even death .

    低血糖的症状包括,心悸, 震颤和出汗,不过,不止这些。严重的表现可包括抽搐,昏迷甚至死亡。

  • Comparison of Depression Symptoms in Patients with Essential Tremor and Parkinson 's Disease

    震颤与帕金森病患者伴 抑郁症状的比较

  • The dangerous excitable tremor was still in her voice .

    她说起话来还是因为害怕及激动而 颤抖

  • News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community

    将会裁员160人的消息在该团体中掀起了一阵 骚动

  • There was a mild intention tremor in the right arm .

    其右臂有轻度的意向 震颤

  • The almost ubiquitous tremor of the elderly prompts concern about Parkinson 's disease .

    面老人几乎都有的 震颤,则会带来Parkinson病的忧虑。

  • Conclusions : In this longitudinal prospective study the risk of mortality was increased in essential tremor .

    结论:这项纵向、前瞻性研究 显示 震颤 患者死亡风险增加。

  • However the earliest long-period seismographs recorded dispersive waves with large transverse displacement components in the main tremor .

    但是,最早期的地震记录,就记录下了 主震中具有很大横向位移分量的频散波。

  • Pray hasten her ; for this delay has already imparted a tremor to my nerves .

    请你赶快催催她;这么耽搁着,已经把我的神经弄得 颤抖起来了。

  • Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors .

    葡萄酒生产过剩及由此造成的市价低迷引起了经济 波动

  • Difference of the tremor of Parkinson 's disease in early stage and physiological tremor by tremor analysis

    震颤分析对早期帕金森病 震颤和生理性震颤的鉴别

  • A tremor ( or one of a series of tremors ) occurring after the main shock of an earthquake .

    在主震后发生的一次 震动(或者一系列震动)。

  • Shock seizures tremor disorientation and coma may be seen in the late stages .

    晚期可见休克、癫痫发作、 震颤、定向障碍和昏迷。

  • Affected with palsy or uncontrollable tremor .

    受中风影响或无法控制的 颤抖

  • He had a mild nervous tremor .

    他有轻微的神经 颤抖

  • He felt a tremor in his arms

    他感到胳膊 不由自主 颤动

  • As I was saying this I became aware of a tremor in my legs .

    说出这句话的时候,我开始意识到自己的腿在 颤抖

  • A noticeable tremor in his voice .

    他的声音明显 颤抖

  • We felt the tremor in Xi'an .

    我们在西安也感受到了 震动

  • Sometime these faults are very small and we then feel only little tremor .

    有些时候这些断裂非常小,我们仅仅能感到微小的 颤动

  • There was a tremor in her voice .

    她的声音有点 颤抖

  • This dissertation makes research on canceling of hand tremor for surgical robot .

    本文主要研究消除手术机器人人手 抖动的问题。

  • He can feel a tremor of fresh sunlight warm and warmer .

    他感受到了新鲜阳光的 悸动,越来越温暖。

  • Deep brain stimulation is used to treat conditions including Parkinson 's disease essential tremor and multiple sclerosis .

    深部脑刺激被用来治疗巴金森氏症、原发 颤抖 ,以及多发性硬化症等疾病;

  • Stimulation of the subthalamic nuclei in patients with Parkinson 's causes immediate and significant improvements in tremor .

    通过刺激丘脑底核,帕金森病患者的 震颤可得到直接和显著的改善。