With poor design one needs to examine the trash can .
在拙劣的设计中,人们需要检查 垃圾 桶。
I could fill a goddamn trash can sir .
我可以加满一个 垃圾 桶,先生。
Could you put these rotten eggs in the trash can please ?
请你把这些坏了的蛋 扔 到 垃圾 箱 里,好吗?
The trash can was thrown away .
可以扔掉 垃圾。
A second trash can will be for plastics that can be recycled .
第二个 垃圾 桶 是 用来 放 可以被回收和再利用的塑料制品的。
I think I threw it in a trash can .
我想我把它扔到 垃圾 筒 里了。
Judge : You may not knock over the trash can !
法官:你不可以把 垃圾 桶 拱 翻!
When they have finished customers throw everything except the tray into a trash can .
顾客吃完了,除了盘子以外,其余都扔进 垃圾 箱。
Pick up the scraps and put them in the garbage can ( trash can ) .
捡起碎片,放到 垃圾 箱 里。
Recyclable trash can be exchanged for bus coupons or for food .
回收的 垃圾 可以兑换公共汽车优惠券或食物。
Please put it into the trash can .
请把这放入 垃圾 桶 里。
That 's when a bunch of eighth-graders pick you up and put you in a trash can .
一队8年级的学生找你麻烦,把你塞进一个 垃圾 桶。
Dan always puts his garbage in a trash can because he doesn 't want to be a litterbug .
唐总是将垃圾丢 到 垃圾 桶中,因为他不想当一个乱丢垃圾的家伙。
Nanbu Why do you want to do paper-cutting and shadow play onto the trash can ?
南部县为什么要将剪纸与皮影搬上 垃圾 桶呢?
May : But people can just throw them into the trash can as they turn around .
阿美:但是很有 可能人们一转身就会把它们扔进 垃圾 桶。
This trash can made from stone and wood divided into two bins one high and one low .
这种 垃圾 桶由石料与木料做成,分为一高一矮两个垃圾桶。
Permanent white trash can do great damage to the environment .
这些 不能 降解的白色 垃圾对环境造成危害很大。
It 's not hard to put trash in a trash can .
把垃圾放在 垃圾 桶 里并不难。
Mom dumped the leftovers into the trash can .
妈妈将厨余丢进 垃圾 桶 里。
A third trash can will be for old glass that can be recycled etc.
第三个 垃圾 桶是用来盛装用过的玻璃制品以便回收利用的,等等。
One trash can will be for rubbish or trash .
一个 垃圾 桶是用来盛放垃圾或废物的。
The trash can was missing from paige 's room .
佩奇房间的 垃圾 袋 不见了。
The monkey needs a trash can for his banana peels .
它需要一个 垃圾 桶 来装它剥的香蕉皮。
Don 't put any refuse in my trash can .
不要在我的 垃圾 箱 里 丢 垃圾。
Don 't drop that there put it in the trash can .
不要扔在那,把它 扔 到 垃圾 桶 里 去。
That means the fumes from the trash can are nauseous because they are making you feel nauseated .
这就是说, 垃圾 桶 里冒出的烟雾是 nauseous(令人作呕的),因为它让你感到nauseated(作呕)。
Did you see trash can in front of other houses ?
你有看到其他的房子前的 垃圾 筒吗?
Uni found the tracking device from nick 's car in a trash can .
在一个 垃圾 箱 里找到了尼克车上的定位器。
The trash can is just under the sink in the kitchen .
垃圾 桶就在厨房里洗碗槽的下面。
美[træʃ kən]英[træʃ kæn]