tread in

[trɛd ɪn][tred in]


  • Mind you don 't tread in that puddle .

    小心,别 着那水坑。

  • The training of the skill of tread water in figure swimming was arranged every time must according its characteristic master basic techniques combine the optional exercise .

    花样游泳 踩水技术要根据其自身特点,掌握好基础技术,结合自选动作来安排每一次的训练。

  • Study on Criterion of Wheel Tread Damage in Freight

    货车车轮 损伤标准的探讨

  • Like the Vivienne they 're simply beautiful pieces that use a well-known mark in a new way . But I still tread warily in logo land and I don 't think I 'm alone .

    Vivienne手袋一样,它们只是以一种新方式运用一个知名品牌的精美单品。不过, 标识这一领域我还是非常谨慎,而且我觉得我不是唯一这么做的人。

  • According to present researches for damage of the wheel tread the paper illustrates the method of reducing wheel tread in detail and presents that it is necessary to revise the criterion of the damage tolerance of the wheel tread and then presents the method to revise it .

    本文依据车轮踏面损伤的现有研究,详细阐述了减少轮轨 损伤的对策,并且提出了修订踏面损伤容限标准的必要性和方法。

  • Tread pattern in the driveway compared to impressions found at the scene .

    马路上 鞋印和案发现场对比。

  • Draw for yourself water for the siege ! Strengthen your fortresses ! Go into the clay and tread in the mortar ! Make the brick kiln ready !

    你要为自己打水,豫备受困!巩固你的保障! 土和泥!豫备砖窑!

  • Anyone else tread in a cowpat ?

    还有人踩到 牛屎吗?

  • I still think of Wellesley as a women 's place and I still think that 's a wonderful idea he said . It just didn 't encompass me anymore . I felt it was a space I shouldn 't tread in .

    我仍旧把卫尔斯理当做一所女子学校,我仍旧认为这是个美妙的主意,他说,它只不过容不下我了,我感觉那是个我不应该 踏足的地方。

  • According to presenting the phenomenon of fashion flowing from Korea in China the article analysis characters of tread life in Chinese youths outlines several key points of developing fashion brand in youths market .

    在介绍“ 韩流”现象的基础上,分析了中国青少年流行生活特点,阐述了中国青少年服饰品牌建立所需关注的几个问题。

  • Mr Cameron and his London-based colleagues should tread carefully in the coming days .

    未来几天,卡梅伦和他的伦敦同僚们应该 小心 行事

  • Microsoft which has also entered confidential talks with Yahoo has every reason to tread carefully in this process .

    微软也与雅虎展开了秘密谈判。 这个阶段,微软有充分的理由不得不 小心 行事

  • Modification of tread formula in snow steel-belted tire

    半钢雪地轮胎胎 配方的改进

  • The company will make the good efforts in embroider area and believe that the company will be with peculiar style lead shaoxing embroider of the tread in new generation of the trade .


  • Associating it with the wheel tread spalling this paper puts forward that improve the wheel / rail dynamic force through eliminate the wheel set longitudinal vibration in order to solve the wheel tread spalling in nature and increase the serve life of the wheel tread .

    由此联想到通过消除轮对的纵向共振现象来改善轮轨动态作用力,进而实现 本质上解决机车 车轮的踏 剥离问题,提高踏面的使用寿命。

  • One you 're going to tread in cow shit .

    第一,你会 牛屎

  • So it is pointed out that in defining tread parameters in analytic tire model the effect of tread on steady cornering model should be considered in the first place .

    因此,在确定轮胎解析模型 花纹参数时应首先考虑其对侧偏模型的影响。

  • Comments on Tread In Modern Development of The Difference Between Chinese And Western Physical Culture

    试论中西体育文化差异 现代化进程中的发展 趋势

  • Via theoretical calculation on one side when the braking leverage is constant the causes to wheel tread flat in application of high phosphor cast iron brake shoe are analyzed ;

    通过理论计算,一方面分析了在制动倍率不变的情况下使用高磷闸瓦易出现 擦伤的原因;

  • The newly hewn steps were too narrow to tread in comfort .

    新砌的 石级窄窄的,搁不下整脚。

  • Calculation of Wheel Tread Temperature in Braking of Speed Increased Freight Cars

    提速货车制动时车轮 温度的计算

  • On the other side according to the requirements of braking distance after adjustment of the braking leverage the probabilities of wheel tread flat in high phosphor cast iron brake shoes and medium phosphor cast iron brake shoes are compared .

    另一方面又根据制动距离的要求,在制动倍率调整后 高磷闸瓦和中磷闸瓦出现 擦伤的概率进行了比较。

  • Introduces the current situation of power supply in coalmine underground face analyses difference between home and abroad puts forward varieties of progress tread in the future .

    介绍了我国煤矿 采区供电系统的现状,分析了国内与国外采区供电系统存在的差距,阐明了发展思路。

  • But Professor Zhou Youyong dean of Southeast University 's law school said the government should tread carefully in issuing any new regulation .

    不过,东南大学法学院院长 周游勇(音)认为,当出台任何新规定时,政府都应当小心谨慎。

  • The results showed that the influences of 3 types of carbon black on the heat conductivity of tread were in the order of N351 > N339 > N330 ;

    结果表明,3种炭黑对 料导热系数的影响顺序由 到小为N351, N339,N330;

  • Internet entrepreneurs confronted their would-be regulators in Deauville on Thursday as the leaders of Facebook Google and other technology companies warned the G8 leaders to tread carefully in attempting to police the web .

    互联网企业家周四在法国多维尔叫板自己的未来监管者。Facebook、谷歌(Google)和其它科技公司的掌门人告诫八国集团(G8)领导人, 作出监管网络的企图时应审慎 行事

  • This time you really mustn 't tread in muddy water and follow him blindly .

    你可别跟着他这趟 浑水

  • Tread softly in the garden and pluck that rose with care ;

    轻轻 花园中 行走,小心地采摘玫瑰。

  • And this man shall be the peace when the Assyrian shall come into our land : and when he shall tread in our palaces then shall we raise against him seven shepherds and eight principal men .

    他们必用刀剑毁坏亚述地和宁录地的关口.亚述人进入我们的地境 践踏的时候、他必拯救我们。