Informally the world is a grid of streets that robots can traverse .
通俗地说,世界是一个 遍历网格的街道,机器人可以。
You can traverse the document tree prune nodes or graft on new ones .
您可以 遍历文档树、删除节点或者嫁接新节点。
From this root node you can traverse the entire XML tree .
从这个根节点,就可以 遍历整个XML树。
Execute and traverse permission to the content administration page .
针对内容管理页面的执行和 遍历权限。
Instead of building complex queries I can use the model to traverse relationships in Ruby instead of SQL .
与构建复杂查询不同,我使用模型在Ruby(而非SQL)中 遍历关系。
We have many models of Traverse Cutting Devices for you to choose .
我公司有多种型号 横剪机可供你选择。
Given a different scenario the system would traverse the same collection but perform a different action .
假设一个不同的场景,系统要 遍历相同的集合,但是要执行不同的操作。
To traverse into the hierarchy that tunes points to you must use-follow .
要 遍历到tunes所指向的文件系统层次结构,您必须使用-follow。
The coordinates of every point are calculated with adjustment of connecting traverse .
通过 采取 附 合 导线方法 观测,计算平 差出各点坐标数据。
I had to traverse the rest of the way .
其余的 距离 只得我去走了。
You learned how to create QueryPath objects traverse documents and manipulate content .
您学习了如何创建QueryPath对象、 遍历文档和操纵内容。
You traverse object graph and create the array of Stock objects .
您 遍历对象图并创建Stock对象数组。
You 've learned how to traverse a document using QueryPath methods CSS3 selectors and iterating techniques .
您已经了解了如何使用QueryPath方法、CSS3选择器和迭代技术 遍历文档。
The path from the data center to the user can traverse several networks and peering points .
从数据中心到用户的路径可能要 经过多个网络和对等点。
In this step you will traverse the source file system tree .
在这个步骤中,您将 遍历源文件系统树。
Another limiting factor is the size of Traverse .
另一个限制因素是 导线的尺寸。
I traverse the earth the air the main .
我 横穿大地,大海和大气。
a steep-sided valley traversed by streams .
溪流横贯、两侧 山势陡峭的山谷
I traversed the narrow pedestrian bridge .
我 走过狭窄的人行天桥。
Because a great deal of data had to traverse the network the limiting factor was bandwidth .
由于必须 通过网络传输大量数据,带宽成为了限制因素。
A message may traverse several intermediaries between a requester and a target service .
消息可能会 通过请求者和目标服务之间的若干中介。
SDO clients can traverse a data graph and read and modify its data objects .
SDO客户机可以 遍历数据图,读取和修改数据图中的数据对象。
Now that you know how to traverse the model you can write code to modify the model .
现在,您知道了如何 遍历模型。接下来,可以编写代码来修改模型。
Layer 2 and Layer 3 addresses do not change when the packet traverse .
3个住址不改变储存器何时 横过的层2和层。
We traverse the desert by truck .
我们 乘卡车 横穿沙漠。
They traverse the same path but with different speeds .
它们所经的路径相同,但以不同的速率 行进。
I traverse space and time just to see you .
我 穿越时空,只为见你一面。
In a traverse there is no accumulation of scale error .
He cut his teeth in the sixties as director of Edinburgh 's Traverse Theatre .
他60年代刚出道时在爱丁堡 特拉弗斯剧院担任导演。