Are we really worse off than our parents ?
我们真的比我们的父母 穷吗?
And we have made the argument that the rest of the EU would be much worse off without us .
我们一直声称, 离开 了我们,欧盟其它国家的 境况将会 糟糕得多。
Her father has lost his job and is worse off than ever .
她父亲丢掉了工作, 经济 情况比以前 更 糟。
I 've only broken my arm ; other patients are far worse off than me .
我只是胳膊 折了,其他病人比我 严重的多。
If you feel like you 're worse off now than you were two years ago that 's an unhappy feeling .
如果你感到 自己现在 比两年前 钱 少了,那就是一个不快乐的感受。
Can any shift in the use of resources make some individual better off without making someone else worse off ?
资源利用中的任何转移会使一些人富裕起来而不使其他人 潦倒 下去吗?
Unfortunately his father died leaving the family even worse off .
不幸的是他的父亲去世了,这使他家更 穷 了。
When I was young we were worse off than you are !
我小的时候比你们要 糟糕 得多!
But journalism will be far worse off as a whole .
但作为一个整体,新闻业所 面临 的 后果要 坏 得多。
But there 's a lot of people worse off than what we are .
但有很多人比我们 差 多 了。
I went to his home and found his living conditions were worse off than mine .
我去他家一看,发现他的生活状况比我的 更 差。
You couldn 't be any worse off than you are now .
你不会比现在 更 糟的。
There is always somebody worse off than yourself .
总是有比你 还 惨的人。
Nor are you worse off by a mere half-pair of gloves .
你损失的也不仅仅是半对 手套。
He said people in the disaster area were worse off than him because their lives were threatened .
他说,灾区的人民所受的灾难 远远超过 了他,因为他们的生命正受到威胁。
But in this respect I do not think I am much worse off than the girls who take notes .
即使是在这种情形 下,我也不觉得自己比用笔记录的姑娘们 差 到哪里。
You are worse off than a pauper though you may be well off financially .
您现在 更 糟比乞丐虽然你可能是小康财政。
But even in failure I was never worse off than before I took the risk .
不过即便最后以失败收场,我也没有 变得比冒险之前 更 差。
I 'm no worse off than I was in tampico .
我不会比在坦皮科时 更 糟 了。
Lots of children in the world are worse off than you .
世上许多孩子比你们 还 惨。
This new legislation would leave taxpayers worse off .
新的立法会使纳税人 情况 更 糟。
There 's many who would be a lot worse off without your Aunt Mary and her like .
没有你玛丽阿姨和像她那样的人,很多人的情况可能会 更 糟糕。
The new law could create a ' no lose ' situation for the phone companies that could leave ratepayers worse off .
这项新的法律将会让电话运营公司“ 稳赚不赔”,但是消费者利益可能会继续受到侵害。
I 'm quite satisfied that my job and pay are not worse off than most of my schoolmates .
对于我的工作和收入不比大多数同学 差这一 点,我相当满意。
Clearly there were people who were worse off than me .
显然有些人比我 还要 惨。
I 've always worked on the basis that if I don 't know anything technical I shan 't be any worse off .
我一贯认为,即便我对技术一窍不通,我也不会比现在 更 穷困潦倒。
In some cases they 've got it a lot worse off than many of you .
在有些情况下,他们的挑战要 大过你们中的很多人,但是 他们绝不 屈服。
Her favourite saying was : ' There are a lot of people far worse off than me . '
她最喜欢的谚语是:“比上不足, 比 下有余。”
No matter how bad you feel you are there is someone worse off .
无论你认为自己多么不幸,都有比你 更加 不幸的人。
The migrant workers are worse off than the average city dwellers .
民工 生活 苦于一般城里人。
美[wɚs ɔf]英[wə:s ɔf]