worry over

[ˈwɚri ˈovɚ][ˈwʌri ˈəuvə]

焦虑。。。, 为。。。而操心/担心

  • She did not need to worry over what other people would say what she herself would say because it had no tangibility .

    她不必 担心别人会说闲话,也不用自我责备&因为这一切不着形迹,无法看见。

  • But analysts and investors still worry over what is known as the wall or cliff of maturities that runs from 2012 through 2014 .

    但分析师和投资者仍 担心从2012年到2014年出现债券到期的“障碍”或“悬崖”。

  • End-of-life caregivers commonly reported problems such as interrupted sleep providing care when they themselves did not feel well and worry over leaving their ill loved one alone .

    临终关怀者经常遇到这样的问题,比如睡眠不连续、护理时本人身体欠佳、 担心置生病的亲属于不顾。

  • Stranger danger is the number one worry for over half of all parents ( 54 percent ) followed by bullying ( 47 ) mugging ( 47 ) and road danger ( 34 ) .

    一半的父母(54%)最 担心(孩子遇到)“来自陌生人的危险”,是受到欺负(47%),遭抢劫(47%)和道路安全问题(34%)。

  • Emphasis in this thesis is laid upon the measures suggested by Confucius to prevent crimes that is to enrich them & develop the social economy to dissipate people 's worry over food and clothes ;

    分析出孔子提出的预防犯罪的措施首先富之,即发展社会经济,奠定 物质基础,解决人民群众的 温饱问题;

  • The repeated emergence of conservatism reflects Chinese intellectuals ' worry over modernness .

    保守主义的 屡屡兴起,体现了中国知识分子的现代性 焦虑

  • But I feel I am just spinning my wheels here as you always do whatever you want and worry us sick over you .

    可是,我感到我在这儿白费劲儿,因为你老是想干什麽就干什麽,而我们 心得 要命

  • Those in charge of hiring worry an over educated candidate will demand too much pay or be dissatisfied with whats being offered .

    那些招聘负责 担心 过高学历者会要求过高的工资或不满于现有条件。

  • It 's hitting a man when he 's down to find fault with Joe over every tiny little mistake when he is almost off his head with worry over his wife 's illness .

    当乔 他的妻子生病 忧虑得几乎神经错乱时,还为了点小缺点去找他的岔子,这是乘人之危进行打击。

  • To trouble or worry over trifles .

    大惊小怪为 小事烦恼或 忧虑

  • There is no call for you to worry over his affairs .

    你不用为他的事 担心

  • Don 't worry over what other people are thinking about you .

    不要 在意别人怎么想你的。

  • The Office for National Statistics yesterday admitted to an error which dramatically reduced the worry over inflation in the economy and makes a further interest rate rise less likely .

    英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)昨日承认统计有误,这大大减少了人们对英国经济出现通胀的 担忧,降低了再次加息的可能性。

  • Don 't worry over me . I 'm all right . I 'll get along .

    不要 发愁。我没事,我会干好的。

  • He was sick to his soul with this worry over berenice .

    白丽莱茜的这种焦 心真叫他苦死了。

  • Don 't worry over me I 'll get along .


  • There is no need to worry over such a side-issue .

    没有必要 这样的枝节问题 发愁了。

  • He also lets us know not to worry too much over the recent ratings .

    他同样表示不用太为近日来低迷的收视率 担心

  • Thai authorities worry over the potential impact of a fresh escalation especially any action directed at disrupting air travel .

    泰国官方 抗议活动升级可能带来的影响表示 担忧,尤其是干扰航空业正常秩序的活动。

  • The chief worry is over wildlife habitat .

    主要的 担忧在于野生动物的生存环境。

  • Don 't be upset by trifles . ; Don 't worry over trifles .

    不要为 小事 烦恼

  • Worry over his joB and his wife 's health put him under a great stress .


  • His investor letters are filled with worry over rising debts in America and Europe .

    他给投资人的信函中满是对美国和欧洲债务增长的 忧虑

  • My worry over China has reached a saturation point .

    中国的 担心已经到了饱和状态。

  • Worry over her exams had given her insomnia . This in turn left her feeling weak and open to panic attacks .

    因为 担心考试,她开始失眠,进而导致身体虚弱、易感到惊恐。

  • Don 't worry over what other people are thinking about you . They 're too bust worrying over what you are thinking about them .

    不要 担心别人怎么看你,因为他们同时也在担心你怎么看他们。