world war two

[wɜrld wɔr tu][wɜː(r)ld wɔ: tu:]


  • Both Eisenhower and Kennedy served in the military in World War Two .

    艾森谊威尔和肯尼迪都曾在第 世界 大战期间服过兵役。

  • In World War two the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the germans .


  • The play is set in the early days of World War Two .

    这个剧是以第 世界 大战初期为背景的。

  • In1945 during World War Two allied forces took control of the German cities of Nuremberg and Stuttgart .

    1945年, 世界 大战期间,盟军就控制了德国的斯图加特的纽伦堡和城市。

  • In 1943 Allied forces captured Naples during World War Two .

    1943年,在 世界 大战 期间联军夺取了那不勒斯。

  • The axis powers in World War two were germany Italy and japan .


  • But during World War Two national leaders recognized the importance of the territory to security in the Pacific .

    但在 世界 大战期间,美国领导人认识到这一地区对确保太平洋的安全的重要性。

  • In1944 the world war two battle of Leyte Gulf began .

    1944年的今天, 二战莱特岛海湾战役爆发。

  • Winston Churchill was Britain 's prime minister during World War Two .

    温斯顿·丘吉尔是 二战 时期的英国首相。

  • During World War Two Adair served on a trained army team that removed and destroyed bombs .

    二战 时期,埃德尔一个训练部队中的摘除炸弹的团队工作。

  • German World War Two rocket weapons were the precursors of modern space rockets .

    德国在 二战中的火箭武器是现代航天火箭的前身。

  • 1945-Soviet and Polish forces liberated Warsaw during World War Two .

    1945年的今天,在 二战中,苏联和波兰武力解放华沙。

  • Brothers In Arms is a3D shooter set in World War Two Europe and North Africa .

    兄弟连是设定在 世界 大战欧洲和北非战线的一个三维射击游戏。

  • After World War Two companies began to make diners that looked like rockets and spaceships .

    世界 大战后,一些企业开始把餐车制造得像火箭和宇宙飞船一样。

  • When he was called to serve as a Marine fighter pilot during World War Two and the Korean War .

    因为在 世界 大战和朝鲜战争期间他被召集为海军战斗机飞行员。

  • C.It is many years since World War Two was over .

    自从 大战结束以来已经很多年了。

  • After World War Two Americans watched as one eastern European nation after another became an ally of the Soviet Union .


  • To answer this question let 's first go back to the1940 's after World War Two .

    要回答这些问题,我们先得回到 二战后的四十年代。

  • World War Two was a sad episode in human history .

    世界 大战是人类历史上的一场悲剧。

  • It was World War Two when war came to Exeter .

    这是 世界 大战,当战争来到埃克塞特。

  • The United States entered World War Two in1941 .

    美国于1941年卷入了第 世界 大战

  • In 1940 during World War Two German planes destroyed most of the English town of Coventry .

    1940年的这一天,德国战机在 二战 期间几乎摧毁英国的考文垂市。

  • In World War Two Britain fought against Germany with France .

    二战中,英国与法国联合抗击德国。 号管车王金贞提出了消极的抗议。

  • These include parts of a bomb-dropping device used by Germany during World War two .

    这些包括德国在 大战中用过的投弹装置的部件。

  • In1944 during World War Two Allied forces landed in southern France .

    1944年, 世界 大战期间,同盟国军队在法国南部成功登陆!

  • She joined the Office of Strategic Services during World War Two .

    世界 大战 时期,她加入了战略服务办公室。

  • Chicken feed also has another interesting meaning known to history experts at World War two spies and soldiers .

    二战间谍和士兵有研究的历史专家们还知道,鸡食 这个词还有一个很有趣的意思。

  • During these years Europe was torn apart by World War Two .

    在这些年中,欧洲被 二战撕裂了。