world monetary system

[wɜrld ˈmɑnɪˌtɛri ˈsɪstəm][wɜː(r)ld ˈmʌnitəri ˈsistəm]


  • The outbreak of the crisis and its spillover to the entire world reflected the inherent vulnerabilities and systemic risks in the existing international monetary system Mr Zhou noted .

    周小川指出:此次金融危机的爆发并在 全球 范围内迅速蔓延,反映出当前国际 货币 体系的内在缺陷和系统性风险。

  • Holding the largest and still increasing foreign reserves in the world presents difficulties in monetary management resulting in excessive liquidity in the financial system .

    内地坐拥 全球最大并且仍在增长的外汇储备,为 货币管理带来困难,及使金融 体系流动资金过剩。

  • This paper will begin with the presentation of world monetary system and then make introduction of the current regional monetary cooperation .

    本文将从 世界 货币 体系的现状切入,对当前的区域货币合作进行介绍与评价。

  • With the help of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund institutions of the United Nations system as well as bilateral and multilateral partners Guinea has undertaken three structural adjustment programs .

    世界银行、国际 货币基金组织,联合国 机构以及双边和多边伙伴机构的帮助下,几内亚已经实施了三个结构调整方案。

  • In the long run such a world would require significant reform of the international monetary system .

    长期来看,建成这样的一个 世界,需要对国际 货币 体系进行重大改革。

  • To get down to the real issues affecting your world just now : the collapse of the monetary system is in its final stages as we write .

    为了着手处理好当前影响你们 世界的真实事件: 货币 系统的崩溃就在我们写信息的同时已经在最后边缘。

  • The confidence of what are called rather disdainfully retail depositors is not the only problem of the world monetary system but it is still the bedrock on which everything else stands .

    所谓的零售储户(这种称谓相当轻蔑)信心,不是 全球 货币 体系面临的唯一问题,但它仍是其它一切赖以存在的根基。

  • World Trade Organization ( WTO ) International Monetary Funds ( IMF ) and Word Bank ( WB ) represent respectively the modern world 's trade system monetary system and technical assistance system the combination of which consists of the core of world economic order .

    WTO、IMF和世界银行分别代表着当今 世界的贸易体系、 货币 体系和技援体系,而以上三大体系也构成了世界经济秩序的核心。

  • But if the world 's biggest economy stagnates and the second-biggest keeps its currency cheap and its capital account closed a rigid monetary system will eventually buckle .

    但如果 世界最大经济体停滞,第二大经济体又坚持自己的货币低汇率,资本市场封闭,现行的僵化 货币 体制最终会扭曲。

  • It was the perverse nature of the world monetary system that allowed it to happen in the way it did .

    正是由于 世界 货币 体系的反常本性,才形成了当前这种局面。

  • The ancient monetary culture in the world may be divided roughly into two major systems i.e. the Oriental system of monetary culture represented by that in China and the Occidental system of monetary culture represented by that in ancient Greece .

    世界古代钱币文化从总体而言可划分为两大 钱币文化 体系,即以中国为代表的东方钱币文化和以古希腊为代表的西方钱币文化。

  • Under the frame of current world monetary system . US Dollar is not only a currency it is a symbol of economic and political interests .

    在现有的 货币 制度框架下,美元的意义已经 超过了货币本身的涵义,它更像是一种经济、政治利益的集中表现形式。

  • Last week economists from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank came up with a more plausible explanation : the global system is going through a structural change .

    上周,国际 货币基金组织(IMF)和世界 银行 world bank 的经济学家拿出了一个更可信的解释:全球 体系正经历结构性变化。

  • The world economy made a more orderly progress through the establishment of international monetary system in which US Dollar as a leader currency .

    以美元为主的国际 货币 体系的建立,使得 世界经济的发展更加的有序。

  • With the changes of the world economic situation and transformation in international economic relations although Jamaica system solves the fatal defects of Bretton Woods Monetary System - Triffin dilemma to some extent there are many unreasonable questions in theory .

    随着 世界经济格局的转变和国际经济关系的发展变化, 现行的牙买加体系虽然在一定程度上解决了布雷顿森林 体系的致命缺陷& 特里芬难题,但在理论上仍然存在许多不合理的问题。

  • The necessity of international cooperation on macro-economic policy and of world monetary system innovation & under circumstance of financial crisis

    当今国际金融危机要求宏观经济政策的国际合作及 世界 货币 体系革新

  • With deeping open to the world in order to improve validity of monetary policy we should further reform of exchange rate system ; establish market-exchange rate mechanism ;

    随着我国 对外开放进程的加快,要提高 货币政策的有效性,必须加快汇率 制度改革,建立市场化的汇率机制;

  • Exploring the integration of banking and security consummating the financial supervision system playing China 's part in the process of world financial integration by joining the reform of international monetary system .

    健全和完善金融监管体系;投身国际 货币 体系的改革,发挥中国在 世界金融一体化进程中的影响力。

  • They talk about overhauling financial institutions and having a new version of the post World War II Bretton Woods conference that established a new monetary and financial system .

    他们讨论重整金融机构,召开像第二次 世界大战后的布雷顿森林会议那样的新会议。布雷顿森林会议确立了新的 货币和金融 体系

  • To supply the world 's risk-free asset the country at the heart of the international monetary system has to run a current account deficit .

    要为 全球提供无风险资产,国际 货币 体系的核心国家就不得不出现经常账户赤字。

  • A Thinking of Current Global Macro-economic Policy Cooperation and Reform of World Monetary System

    对当今国际宏观经济政策合作与 世界 货币 体系改革的思考