In the1700 I would hesitate to name a dominant world power but the closest might be Manchu China ?
在1700年,我会毫不犹豫地指出占主导地位的 世界 强国或者说最接近的可能是满洲人的中国?
Those who recently dreamed of world power now despair of governing the city of New York .
不久前,有些人还妄想 统治 世界,可眼下对治理纽约市都一筹莫展。
The nation declined as a world power .
作为一个 世界 强国,这个国家已经衰落。
Over the past few years China has emerged as a growing world power .
作为一个发展中的 世界 大国,中国在过去几年已悄然崛起。
An international consensus is emerging that China is a world power .
国际上正在形成中国已经成为 世界 强国的共识。
Universal Power Supply-The BDP-93 features a wide-range world power supply that is compatible with AC power from all regions .
通用电源供应器-当前的BDP-93采用了宽范围 电源供应,是 世界区域兼容所有的交流电源。
Realistically Japan and the United States will need each other to counterbalance China encouraging it to become a responsible world power in terms of trade the environment and other issues .
实际上,日本和美国在制衡中国上都需要对方,鼓励中国在贸易、环境和其他问题上成为负责任的 大国。
Its goal is to achieve economic and social development which befits a leading world power of the21st century by2020 .
它的目标是实现经济和社会发展,到2020年成为21世纪领先的 世界 大国。
Young people no longer see China as a developing country but as an emerging world power .
年轻人不再把中国看成是发展中国家,而把它当成一个新兴的 全球 大国。
China they said was zooming toward parity as a world power and perhaps more .
他们说,中国正在迅速发展成为一个和美国平起平坐的 世界 强国,也许还不止这一点。
He argued that Britain was still a world power .
他争辩说英国仍是 世界 强国。
Peace or war and its color and the next international world power shift whether can strength to create a new balance in the world .
和平还是战争,听其言,观其色,下一国际 世界 各国 力量实力转变,能是否再缔造一个新平衡世界。
Countries within the political orBit of a world power ;
在 世界 大国控制范围以内的国家;
Could it be that in the race for world power China already has all the human capital it needs ?
在前往 世界 大国的路上,中国是否已具备了自己所需的所有人力资源?
A middling Old World power how is France to do this ?
作为一个欧洲中等 国家,法国要如何恢复其昔日 地位呢?
China 's foreign exchange reserves China 's economic growth the results of a series of reform and opening up are constantly told the world former sick man of Asia is becoming a world power today .
中国的外汇储备、中国的经济增长等一系列改革开放带来的成果正不断告诉世界,昔日的东亚病夫正成为今日的 世界 强国。
The problem for the West is that China often thinks of itself as a developing nation and it is a developing nation but it is also today a world power .
西方世界遇到的问题是,中国总是将自己看作发展中国家。的确,它是发展中国家,但现在它也是一个 世界 强国。
Externally the result was a major alteration of world power bloc equations and new challenges for US policymakers .
对于世界而言,这是 世界 力量平衡的一次重大的改变,也是对美国政策制定者的新的挑战。
The A Empire declined as a world power .
作为一个 世界 大国,A帝国衰落了。
Civilization the popular PC gaming series that focused on building a nation into a world power is now entering the world of social media gaming in the form of civilization world .
大受欢迎的游戏系列《文明》的剧情是要玩家建造一个国家并逐渐使它成为 世界 强国,现在游戏《文明》融入到了社交媒体游戏界,走进了真实的文明世界。
The big question then is whether Chinese leaders will continue to show flexibility on border issues as China becomes a greater world power and as it stamps out internal threats .
最大的问题是中国的领导者是否会继续展示他的灵活性在边界问题上当中国变成了一个 世界强大的 力量时,和有内部威胁时。
Economic factors have played a significant part in Britain 's decline as a world power .
英国在 世界 强国中的地位逐渐衰弱,主要是经济因素造成的。
Han Milton came up with a world power ideology with American characteristics .
汉密尔顿提出了具有美国特色的 大国理念。
No nation rose to world power on free trade .
没有国家是靠自由贸易提升为 世界 强国的。
China has once again emerged as a world power
中国又一次以 世界 强国的姿态崛起。
The rise of a new world power has often led to war in centuries past .
数百年来, 大国崛起往往会导致战争。
Simulation Result Comparison Analysis between BPA and Power World Power System
BPA与Power World 电力系统仿真结果对比分析
In China 's case the sea change in prevailing assumptions comes from its emergence as a world power .
就中国而言,就中国而言,它作为 世界 大国的崛起,导致了投资者对中国市场看法的重大转变。
Germany is on its way to becoming a world power with a permanent seat on the UN Security council .
德国正在努力成为一个拥有安理会常任理事席位的 世界 强国。
美[wɜrld ˈpaʊɚ]英[wɜː(r)ld ˈpauə]