


  • Equally we cannot tell all the workings of god .

    同样的,我们也不能明白神所 的一切的 工作

  • You must place the interests of your people and the legitimate workings of the political process above your party .

    你必须把人民的利益和合法的政治程序置于自己的 党派利益之上。

  • The completion port mechanism is optimized for the operating system 's internal workings .

    而完成端口机制是针对操作系统内部进行了优化,在 Windows NT Windows2000上,使用了完成端口的 重叠 I/O机制才能够 真正 扩大系统的 响应 规模

  • They are also very approachable and a down to earth team which I value in my workings with them .

    他们也很平易近人和扎实的团队,我在我的 工作 方式与他们的价值。

  • Cycles and diversity : the workings of the earth .

    循环与多样性:地球的 工作 机理

  • The bill would give people the right to much more information about the workings of government .

    该法案将赋予人们了解更多有关政府 运作方面信息的权利。

  • Each extension creates its own decomposition of the business process and describes its inner workings .

    每一个扩展都创建其自己的业务处理过程的分解,并且描述它的内部 工作

  • It was also because they had too little interest in the inner workings of the financial system .

    此外,这也是由于他们对金融系统的内部 运作毫无兴趣。

  • Neural networks are computer systems which mimic the workings of the brain

    神经网络是模拟大脑 工作 方式的计算机系统。

  • It 's as incomprehensible to ordinary people as the workings of a breeder reactor .

    对普通人来说,这就像核增殖反应堆的 运行一样不可理解。

  • The basic workings of DNA and RNA are no mystery .

    脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)和核糖核酸(RNA)的基本 运行 方式并不是不解之迷。

  • We don 't know what & It 's like the workings of our kidneys or our stomachs .

    我们不知道为什么-这就像是我们的肾或我们的胃的 工作一样。

  • He understands the inner workings of financial markets .

    他理解金融市场的内部 运行 方式

  • I hope I have clarified the inner workings of the XSLT processor .

    我希望已经说明了XSLT处理程序的内部 工作 原理

  • Demonstrate your knowledge about the inner workings of your company and your position .

    表现出你对公司内部 运作和自己职位的了解。

  • The latter moreover was an inherent element in the workings of the eurozone itself .

    而且,后者是欧元区自身 运转中的一个固有因素。

  • Can you explain the workings of the stock market to me ?

    你能给我解释一下股票市场的 运作 机制吗?

  • These networks are automatic information learning and processing systems that simulate the workings of animal nervous systems .

    对于这些网络的学习和自动资料系统的处理,是模拟动物神经系统的 运作

  • This requires detailed knowledge of the internal workings of the two systems which is usually confidential information .

    这要求这两种系统的内部 运作的知识细节,它通常是机密信息。

  • The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind .

    那封信非常清楚地表明了一个变态者的思维 方式

  • The models show the stages of the insects ' development and the workings of their bodies .

    这些模型展示了各种昆虫的各个发育阶段和它们的身体 功能

  • Physiologists are interested in the workings of the human body .

    生理学家对人体的 功能感兴趣。

  • The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings .

    新政治和现代媒体之间的相互作用将会扰乱政治进程,妨碍其 正常 运作

  • Not just the workings of cities but of things in general were a lasting fascination to her .

    不仅城市的 运转,一般事物的 工作 原理都对她有一种持久的吸引力。

  • And with that knowledge will come an increasing willingness to use it to manage the workings of our planet .

    拥有了这些知识,人们将更乐意用它来对我们这个 星球的“ 行为 方式”进行管理。

  • The Times examination reveals the workings of an opaque economy for this global wealth .

    时报的研究结果揭示了一个不透明的经济体获取海外财富的 运作 机制

  • They knew the technical inner workings and functionality of the products they are in charge of inside out .

    他们对所负责产品的技术性内部 工作 情况和功能了如指掌。

  • Some of the internals of the code were examined in this article to show their workings .

    本文检查了一些代码的内幕,从而显示了它们的 工作 机制

  • This case encourages us to understand the workings of culture .

    这个案例鼓励我们去理解一种文化的 运转 形式