working deadline

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈdɛdˌlaɪn][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈdedlain]

[化] 工作期限

  • We keep a strict control on the management of each working procedure ranging from selection cutting polishing to drilling . It enables us to manufacture quality products within strict time deadline .

    我司特别重视每个 工序的管理,从 选料、切割、抛光、打磨至钻孔,均受严格控制。

  • She was working in haste to meet the deadline .

    她匆忙 工作是为了赶上最后 期限

  • The US has been working to an informal deadline of agreeing a draft resolution among the five permanent members this month and winning the approval of the full Security Council in June .

    美国一直在按照一个非正式 期限推进制裁伊朗的 工作,力争使安理会五个常任理事国在本月就一项决议草案达成一致,进而推动全体成员国在下月批准这项草案。

  • He told ABC 's This Week program that the Pentagon is working hard to meet President Obama 's one-year deadline to close Guantanamo .

    他告诉美国广播公司“本周”节目组:五角大楼 正在 努力 工作以达道奥巴马总统提出的以一年为 期限关闭关塔那摩湾监狱的计划。

  • They went to great lengths in order to meet the deadline She was working in haste to meet the deadline .

    他们竭尽全力以求应付最后期限。她匆忙 工作是为了赶上最后 期限

  • Working under great tension to make a deadline .

    为赶在 最后 期限 以前 完成 工作而在巨大压力下 工作

  • The article gives introduction of the working principle of the deadline anchor of weight indicator and the problems of bigger error occurred in its calibration .

    本文介绍了指重表 固定器的 工作原理和标定时出现误差偏大的问题。

  • And about six guys working to meet our deadline .

    大概6个人 负责给我们 掩护

  • More often it refers to when something comes in last minute or you are working to a tight deadline .

    -它经常更多的是指做某事到最后关头了,或者你 临近 截止 日期尽力 追赶的意思。

  • They 're working like hell to meet the deadline .

    为了 时间,他们 玩儿命

  • Depp 's production company Infinitum Nihil and Fontana are working with Swedish company Yellow Bird Productions on the project Deadline reports .

    Deadline报道,德普的制作公司Infinitum Nihil和Fontana将会和瑞士公司YellowBird制作公司共同开发此剧。

  • Oh when you 've been a journalist as long as I have working to a deadline is .

    哦,当你像我一样 从事新闻记者那么久的时候,快速 写作已经是第二 天性了。

  • At the same time you will be working under several constraints such as an imposed deadline or resource limitations that affect your plan .

    同时,您将在一些约束下 工作,如影响计划的强制 截止 期限或资源限制。

  • Working relationship both sides removes after labor concerns explain labor contract deadline has been stopped labor law deadline of contract of labor of the20th regulation is bilateral and voluntary agreement and appeal deadline is legal .

    劳动关系双方解除劳动关系后,说明劳动合同 期限已经终止,《劳动法》第20条规定劳动合同期限是双方自愿约定的,而申诉期限是法定的。

  • But have a bit must advertent if working goal cannot be reached smoothly inside deadline answer to report to boss as early as possible seek remedial countermeasure .

    但是有一点必须留意,假如在 限期 不能顺利达成 工作目标,应尽早向上司报告,谋求补救的对策。