work wonders


  • A few moments of relaxation can work wonders

    放松一会儿就可以 收到 奇效

  • I assure you that this medicine will work wonders for your cold .

    我向你保证这种药对你的感冒有 奇效

  • More home visits and fewer telephone consultations might work wonders .

    多去病人家里出诊,少点电话咨询,可能会 创造 奇迹

  • I think a long holiday would work wonders for your health .

    我想长期休假会给你的健康 创造 奇迹

  • Sometimes a short rest can work wonders .

    有时短暂的休息能 创造 奇迹

  • That will work wonders believe us .

    相信我们,这会 创造 奇迹

  • My hairdresser can work wonders with people 's hair .

    我的 美发师 头发十分出色。

  • The newspapers say this new drug can work wonders .

    报上说这种新药有 奇效

  • Brisk walking for20 minutes a day or jogging can work wonders .

    每日快走20分钟,或慢跑具有 神奇 效果

  • A tiny acupuncture needle can work wonders .

    小小银针, 妙用

  • The Asanas have evolved over centuries and work wonders in keeping the body healthy and the mind peaceful .

    瑜伽体式经过多个世纪的进化,在保持身体健康和心态的平和方面 发挥神奇的作用。

  • A little patience will work wonders .

    一点耐心会 创造 奇迹

  • Personal experience tells me even ordinary ceremonies in life can work wonders as long as your heart is in it .

    个人的经历告诉自己,即使是生活中普通的仪式,只有你的心中有它,就可能 产生 奇妙 作用

  • Slowing down taking a moment to pause and creating a routine around centering yourself can work wonders .

    慢慢停下来,休息一下,为自己树立一个良好的习惯,这么 帮助

  • Venus and Jupiter will be at perfect angles so a confidential talk you have with a higher-up will work wonders .

    金星和木星会成一个完美的角度,所以你和某个上司的一次 开诚布公的谈话会进行 非常理想。

  • Love and kindness can work wonders .

    爱和温柔能 创造 奇迹

  • A few words of encouragement can work wonders in me when I 'm not very confident .

    当我非常不自信时,一些鼓励的话可以 创造 奇迹

  • This is the spirit of inventing and creating . This shows man can work wonders .

    这是有发明创造精神。这说明人可以 创造 奇迹

  • Many types of fish and shellfish can also work wonders for the skin especially oysters and fatty fish like salmon .

    许多鱼类和 贝类对皮肤都 ,特别是牡蛎和富含脂肪的鱼,像三文鱼。

  • Writing about the Collective Revelry : Creation on Brother ( First Volume ); The people as a collective can work wonders .

    集体狂欢的写作&关于《兄弟》(上)的创作作为一个集体,群众可以 创造 奇迹

  • The right incentives could work wonders .

    正确的激励措施能 造就 奇迹

  • To fill boardrooms with the toys of our infancy could work wonders for corporate ethics .

    在会议室里摆满我们小时候玩的那些玩具,或许在企业伦理方面 奇妙 效果

  • This diet pill may not help you lose weight but it 'll work wonders for fatigue .

    这减肥药片或许不会使你减轻体重,但它对疲劳有 神奇 功效

  • New technology can also work wonders for distribution .

    新技术能够唤起 物品分配的 奇迹印度 烟草公司是 印度 最大 联合企业 之一

  • Be tenacious ! Being stubborn can work wonders .

    要坚定不移!坚定的决心可以 创造 奇迹

  • There is no trick in life the ordinary can work wonders .

    生命没有投机,平凡也能 创造 奇迹

  • A sincere heart can work wonders .


  • If that holiday in Cornwall doesn 't work wonders I shall be very much surprised .

    我深信在康沃尔度假会 创造 奇迹的。

  • After a hard day at the office a long bath will work wonders .

    在办公室辛勤 工作了一天之后,洗个长时间的澡会 产生 神奇 效果