work system

[wɚk ˈsɪstəm][wə:k ˈsistəm]


  • New Assessment Projects in Preschool Education : Project Spectrum Preschool Assessment and the Work Sampling System

    两种学前教育评价新方案的对比&多彩光谱评价方案与 作品取样 系统

  • The work permit system must be flexible enough to respond to the changing needs of firms and today 's rules should help deliver this .

    工作许可 制度必须有足够弹性,能及时反映公司不断变化的需求,目前的规定应有助于实现这个目标。

  • Develop a database for the Generic Job Hazard Analysis is a excellent way to enhance the efficiency and safety of the Safe Work Permit system .

    编制一个标准工作风险分析数据库是极大地提高 工作许可 管理 流程效率和安全性。

  • The Research of Building High Performance Work System of KS China Company

    KS中国公司构建高绩效 工作 系统的研究

  • I know how to work the system .

    我通晓如何 运用 法律 系统

  • Government workers know how easy it is to work the system .

    政府部门的职员知道利用 制度是一 多么容易的

  • The Design and Implementation of Work Management System Based on Three-Tier Architecture

    三层架构 作业管理 系统的设计与实现

  • In order to ensure a stable and efficient work system the ability of anti-jamming is especially important .

    为保证 系统稳定有效的 工作,GPS接收机的抗干扰显得尤为重要。

  • A Study on the Relationship among High Performance Work System Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance

    高绩效 工作 系统、智力资本与企业绩效关系之研究

  • You must not expect good results if you work without system .

    如果你 工作没有 规律,就休想取得良好的结果。

  • ' Abusing his authority he undermined the work system related to the construction of the capital city established by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il reducing the construction building-materials bases to such bad shape little short of debris in a few years . '

    张泽成滥用职权,破坏了金日成和金正日建立起来的平壤建设 工作 体系,几年间很多建筑建材基地几乎变为废墟。

  • The hydraulic lift dump body is the important work system of dump truck its performance will directly affect the car 's more performance .

    液压举升倾卸机构是自卸车的重要 工作 系统,其性能的优劣直接影响着汽车的多个性能指标。

  • Recruitment demand acquisition means that the HR Department collects the recruitment demand from relevant functional departments and branch companies according to the HR work system of the enterprise .

    招聘需求征集,根据企业的人力资源 工作 制度,由人力资源部门向各相关职能机构、分子公司征集招聘需求。

  • As System Design Engineer you work on system level ( system management ) and are the technically responsible of a specific system .

    系统设计工程师,你 工作 系统级别(系统管理),是负责技术上的具体系统。

  • Discussion on Establishing Work System of Gas Control in Jianxin Colliery

    浅谈建新煤矿瓦斯治理 工作 体系的建设

  • The procuratorial work committee system is one of the socialist judicial system with our country characteristic .

    检察委员会 制度是具有我国特色的社会主义司法制度之一。

  • Your workload be not that heavy-it 's just that you do not have an efficient work system .

    你的工作量并没那么重&这是因为你没有一套有效的 工作 方法

  • Article 172 . ' The securities regulatory body under the State Council shall publish its rules and regulations and its supervision and administration work system formulated according to law .

    第一百七十二条国务院证券监督管理机构依法制定的规章、规则和监督管理 工作 制度应当公开。

  • Used in short-term work system and a large bulk they can make a special order to reduce power consumption .

    用在短时 工作 而批量又很大时,可作特殊订货以降低功耗。

  • Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the German government the Party A 's work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts .

    向受聘方介绍德国政府有关的法律、规和聘方有关对于外国专家管理的 工作 制度与规范。

  • Study on China Public Crisis Management Participation of NGOs in United Front Work System

    统战 系统中的非政府组织参与我国公共危机管理的研究

  • American is the main original place of hospital and medical social work and the most advanced country in hospital and medical social work system around the world .

    美国是医院社会工作与医务社会工作的主要起源地,是世界上医院社会 工作与医务社会工作最发达的国家。

  • The Construction of the College Counselors ' Work Methods System in New Period

    新时期高校辅导员 工作方法 体系构建

  • The Suzhou postal service network provides the network foundation transmission platform for the whole city postal service system and the work system .

    苏州邮政网络为全市的邮政业务系统和 办公 系统提供了网络基础传输平台。

  • Strengthen the organization and management establish an effective work system and mechanism for preparing for the Olympic Games .

    加强组织管理,建立高效能的备战奥运 工作 体制和机制。

  • Foreign students could get the story into the papers more if they knew how to work the system .

    如果外国学生懂得美国社会的 运作 方式,就可以让有关他们的报道更多地见诸报端。

  • His secretaries work with system .

    他的几位秘书 工作 有条不紊

  • Innovation Ideology Political Work System of National Teams Advances Athletics Sport Sustainable Development

    创新国家队思想政治 工作 体制,推进竞技体育事业可持续发展

  • New York can be the most expensive place to live but it can also be the least expensive if you know how to work the system .

    纽约可能是生活费用最高的地方,但如果你知道怎么 生活,所需要的费用可能是最便宜的。

  • Feasibility Research of Establishing Medical Social Work System in Hospital

    医院建立医务社会 工作 制度的可行性研究