


v.扭,搓,缠绕( twist的现在分词 )


  • This helps to prevent the forming of a twisting force that may set off an oscillation called flutter .

    这有助于防止形成一个 扭曲的力量,可能引发一振荡所谓的颤振。

  • Fit sealing ring on cover without twisting it .

    将密封圈安装到盖上,不要将其 扭曲

  • That 's I am not joking you . I am not twisting any language .

    就是说,我没有和你开 玩笑,没有玩文字。

  • He 's totally twisting everything .

    他完全 扭曲了所有事实。

  • The old peasant is twisting pieces of straw into a rope .

    这位老农民正把稻草 成绳子。

  • I felt my face twisting .

    我感觉我的脸在 抽筋

  • It proves that the shape and size of the twisting triangle vary with the dislocation .

    研究结果表明:错位 纺纱由于改变了 加捻三角形的形状和尺寸,因此 结构和性质改变。

  • A bar used as a lever ( as in twisting rope ) .

    用作杠杆的金属条(如 缠绕的绳子)。

  • This device is going to start twisting .

    这个装置就要开始 扭转了。

  • Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent twisting or kinking the film

    装胶卷时要小心,别使胶片 扭结

  • The spindle altitude is low and yarn pulling force is little the twisting of yarn being applicable .

    锭子高度低,纱线张力小,适用于各种纱线的 加捻

  • He was before twisting and distorting things I would say .

    他是在 歪曲和扭曲的事情我要说的。

  • Theoretical analysis on the the twisting process of the two strand yarn spinning is presented in this paper .

    分析了赛洛纺的 加捻过程,获得了 交汇 中的单纱 捻度 交汇 的理论计算公式。

  • The trucks climbed the twisting mountain road .

    卡车沿着 盘山公路向上爬去。

  • She made a rope by twisting threads .

    她把线 成一条绳子。

  • It is advanced equipment of communication cable factory test and repair core wire pair twisting wire at present .

    是目前通讯电缆厂检测和修理芯线、 对线的先进设备。

  • He hurt my hand by twisting it .


  • Push motor for seat adjustment and sleeve onto the long drive shaft by twisting slightly .

    轻轻 扭转,将座椅调整电机和套筒推到长驱动轴上。

  • Pitching headlong with a rolling or twisting movement .

    伴随一个旋转或 扭曲的运动头向前俯仰的。

  • She was staring down at her hands twisting the ring on her finger

    她低头盯着双手, 转动手指上的戒指。

  • He gave the crank a spin ; it broke off after much twisting .

    他给曲柄一个旋转;在许多 转动后它段裂了。

  • The snake wrapped itself around her arm twisting and turning .

    蛇缠住了她的手臂, 旋转着, 扭动着。

  • Uniform drying with minimum tension no folding or twisting during drying .

    均匀地烘干织物,并保持最低张力,不会产生摺叠或 扭弯

  • I designed the composition of the twisting serpent using this approach .

    我就是使用这种方法设计了这个 扭转着的蛇形哨兵群的构成画面的。

  • Inward dive : A combination of straight pike or tuck positions used only in twisting dives .

    向内跳水:直体、屈体和抱膝的组合,只用于 转体跳水。

  • Some simply buttocks in your lenses in the two torsional twisting .


  • SCOTT : Alright I 'm twisting it around .

    史考特:好的,我在 绷紧了。

  • Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river 's twisting course .

    富有浪漫气息的庄园和城堡俯瞰 蜿蜒的河道。