


  • Research method : Ordinary concrete-water glass two-shot grouting and extra fine concrete-water glass two-shor grouting are adopted in construction of the pilot tunnel under karst cave 2 . By this way it is difficult to pass through one cave .

    研究方法:在2溶洞下导坑施工中,采用普通水泥-水玻璃 浆和超细水泥-水玻璃双液浆注浆,十分艰难地通过了溶洞。

  • Application of Two-Shot Solution Grouting to Large Slurry Balance Shield Tunnelling


  • The technique of two-shot grouting would be improved such as changing grouting from primary grouting into secondary grouting increasing grouting pressure of secondary grouting and improving uniformity of reinforced soil mass .

    施工过程中, 注浆工艺有待改善,应改一次注浆为二次注浆,同时提高二次注浆的注浆压力,提高加固土体的均匀性。

  • Two-shot binding : Adhesive binding in which the first application is of PVA adhesive the second of hot-melt adhesive .

    :第一次涂聚乙烯醇( 白胶浆),第二次 热熔胶的胶 方式

  • Optimal parameter selection of cement-water glass two-shot grouting

    水泥-水玻璃 注浆中的最优参数选择

  • This paper introduces the treatment and application of construction technology of cement-water glass two-shot grouting in the tunnel collapse .

    介绍了隧道坍方中水泥&水玻璃 注浆施工工艺处理及其应用。

  • One-shot binding : Perfect binding with one application of hot-melt glue only . As distinct from Two-shot binding . Spine-bulk : The thickness of the spine of a book block not including the thickness of the cover boards .

    一次胶胶 :用热熔胶涂书脊一 的胶 。有别于 胶胶 。脊厚:书芯厚度,它不包括书皮纸板的厚度。

  • In situ test and construction of two-shot grouting for waterproof of man-hole-pile

    挖孔桩双 注浆截水帷幕原位试验及施工

  • Research conclusions : The technique and result of two-shot grouting were not good as that of cement mixture pile but it had features of simple operation and low cost .

    研究结论: 注浆工艺 控制实施效果均不如水泥搅拌桩,但具有施工简便、造价低廉的优点。