two-party system


  • For more than 20 years a sort of two-party system has operated smoothly and the army has been marginalised as a political factor : alarmist talk during the past few weeks of a return of the tanks cannot be taken seriously .

    20多年来,有点类似于 两党 制度在希腊平稳运行,军方在政治中的影响力一直被边缘化:过去几周有关希腊将重新动用坦克的大惊小怪的言论不可当真。

  • They organize the electorate very simply by maintaining the two-party system .

    他们通过维持 两党 ,很轻松地组织选民。

  • What price the two-party system in the future ?

    难道 两党 将来 还能存在?

  • The narrow two-party system we have right now has not served us very well .

    我们现行的狭隘的 两党 并没有很好地为我们服务。

  • A new centre party which will break the two-party system .

    将打破 两党 格局的新出现的中间党。

  • Thus in this period the subject concerning two-party system and party competes becomes hot point .

    因而这一时期有关 两党 和党争的话题成为言论热点。

  • We call it a two-party system because we have two large parties and a number of small parties and the large parties are so large that we often forget about the rest .

    我们之所以称之为 两党 ,是因为有两个大党派和许多小党派。

  • A political party organized in opposition to the major parties in a two-party system .

    组织起来反对 两党 体系中的主要党的政党。

  • How does it happen that the two-party system is so strongly rooted in American politics ?

    两党 是如何能如此坚实地扎根于美国政治中的呢?

  • They ask for a two-party system as in the West with one party in office and the other in opposition .

    他们要求 实行西方的 两党 ,这一党在台上,那一党在 下。

  • The American political system is a classical example of the two-party system .

    美国的政治体制是 两党 的典型范例。

  • And it has an established two-party system that makes it harder for single-issue anti-immigration parties to gain ground .

    而且, 两党 在美国建立已久,这使单一议题的反移民政党更难在 美国取得进展。

  • We find that the privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation problem can be transformed into a cooperative linear system of equations problem . Therefore we present a secure and efficient two-party privacy-preserving cooperative linear system of equations protocol and analyze its security .

    通过分析,我们发现,保护私有信息的多项式插值问题可以化归为一个安全 保护私有信息的协作线性 方程组求解问题。

  • But this so-called two-party system is nothing but a device for maintaining the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie ; it can never guarantee freedoms to the working people .

    但是这种所谓 两党 不过是维护资产阶级专政的一种方法,它绝不能保障劳动人民的自由权利。

  • Many were eager fora shakeup in the two-party system .

    许多人都渴望改革 两党

  • The two-party system in America which is different from those of the other Western countries has some apparent features that have influenced its policy in history .

    与西方其他国家的 政党 制度相比,历史上美国 两党 制度 形成了一些能够影响其政策制定的突出特点。

  • For most of the postwar era the two-party ( sometimes a two-and-a-half party ) system delivered stable single-party government .

    在二战后的多数时间内, 两党 (有时是两党半 )缔造了稳定的一党揽政政府。

  • The two-party system is falling victim to social and economic upheaval .

    两党 正沦为社会和经济动荡的牺牲品。

  • It was the period of the establishment of the two-party system and the key period of economic and territorial expansion of the country .

    这个时期也是 美国 两党 形成、对外经济扩张和领土扩张的重要时期。

  • When we say that we have a two-party system in the United States we do not mean that we have only two parties .

    当我们说美国有 两党 时,并不是指美国只有两个政党。