two bath process

[tu bæθ ˈprɑsˌɛs][tu: bɑ:θ ˈprəuses]

[化] 二浴法, 二浴法染色

  • Process conditions various color fastness production cycle as well as the cost were compared between the one bath two step process and two bath two step process .

    对涤棉一浴二步法和 步法工艺条件、染色牢度、生产时间及成本等进行了比较。

  • The pretreatment of pure cotton yarn was carried out using one bath method substituted conventional two bath and two step method in scouring and bleaching process .

    用煮漂一浴法取代传统的煮练、漂白 两步法,对全棉纱线进行前 处理

  • Sulfur / cationic Two Bath Dyeing process of Black Shade

    硫化/阳离子染料黑色 法染色 工艺的探讨

  • The Study About Modified Two Bath Little Chrome Tanning Process In Producing Pigskin Clothing Leather Which Has A Goat Appearence

    变型 少铬鞣 工艺在开发山羊型猪服装革方面的应用

  • The studies of the reductant system on new modified two bath process

    关于变型 工艺中还原剂体系的探讨

  • This process consists of two processes including lower middle temperature phosphating and coloring in different bath . Thus the blackening quality is improved the cost is reduced and the process remains stable .

    该工艺由低中温磷化加填充着色 工序分 进行,提高了发黑膜的质量,降低了成本, 工艺稳定。

  • Study on the Recycling the Used Chrome Tanning Liquor of Modified Two - Bath Tanning Process

    循环利用变型 铬鞣废液的研究

  • With the repairing of two oversized holes in cylinder as an example simple and clear principles of brush plating equipment used preparation of bath technological process and attentions are discussed .

    本文以缸体 两轴孔加工超差的修复为例,全面地叙述了电刷镀的简明原理,使用的设备, 的配制,工艺 流程,注意事项及体会。