

[计] 切断

  • The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out .

    校长 表扬男同学 服装整齐。

  • There is a good turn-out this evening .

    今天晚上有一个很好的 活动

  • Transfer Structure Optimization of First Drawing Point in Turn-out with Movable-point Frog On-Orbit Modification of Pointing Error for Imager in Geostationary Satellite Based on Star Sensing


  • This is a great stretch for turn-out .

    这是一个伟大的延伸的 投票

  • As the recent turn-out in the French election shows : give people a real contest and they will come out and vote .

    正如 最近的法国大选所反映的, 只要提供民众一个真正的选举,人们会加入投票的 行列 之中

  • There was a large turn-out to welcome the Royal visitors .

    大群 出来欢迎王室来访者。

  • A mass rally with a turn-out of 10000 people was held to welcome the distinguished guest .

    举行了有 一万参加的群众大会来欢迎贵宾。

  • The boys were complemented on their neat turn-out .

    男孩子们 穿上整洁的 衣服 十全十美了。

  • We didn 't know what the exact turn-out at the LA premiere was going to be .

    我们不知道洛杉矶 首映后的 实际 票房会有 多少