turn out to be

[tɚn aʊt tu bi][tə:n aut tu: bi:]


  • It may yet turn out to be just a financial and economic problem .

    也许 最终这“只是”一个金融和经济问题。

  • Then you will turn out to be a lucky dog some day .

    然后你会 变成一个幸运儿,某一天。

  • Actually if we take the bad with the good the results may turn out to be better .

    事实上,如果我们把好坏都 看开 ,结果或许 更好吧。

  • This may even turn out to be a surprise party .

    也许这会 变成一个惊喜的派对。

  • I 'm afraid our present course of action may turn out to be a blind alley .

    我担心我们目前这种干法 可能 条死胡同。

  • Even the best theory can turn out to be wrong .

    即使是最好的理论 最终 可能 错的。

  • This might well turn out to be a smart strategy .

    可能 个很聪明的战略。

  • Everyone is hoping that these hi-tech companies will turn out to be the Microsofts of the future . At the moment they look more like the focus of a speculative bubble

    每个人都希望这些高科技公司能 成为未来的微软。目前它们看上去更像是投机泡沫的中心。

  • So we 've contrived various justifications that turn out to be half-truths prejudices or myths .

    所以我们发明了很多自认为有理的辩护,这些辩护 半真半假的陈词、偏见和荒诞的说法。

  • Everyone at CFI is hopingthey don 't turn out to be the same sex so they can pair off .

    CFI的每位成员都希望这几条镖鲈的性别查证结果显示它们 不是同性,这样就可以让它们配对繁殖。

  • For others these could turn out to be the worst .

    对其它公司而言,这 可能 最糟糕的时机。

  • What we teach our children is what they turn out to be .

    我们怎样教我们的孩子,他们 长大后就 变成 怎样的人。

  • Meaning the network learns and rewires itself based on guesses that either turn out to be right or wrong .

    这意味着该网络根据猜测(这种 猜测要么 正确的,要么是错误的) 来自我学习和自我更新。

  • All he tried turn out to be in vain .

    试图 当地 分店联系 白费的。

  • If I turn out to be a psycho just get on the next train .

    如果你 发现 个疯子,你可以坐下一班火车 离开

  • I always suspected that Germany would turn out to be the stumbling block .

    我一直怀疑德国 最终 成为绊脚石。

  • Now this swing may yet turn out to be temporary .

    目前,这一变化可能还 只是暂时性的。

  • If I love you in my world your weak points will turn out to be strong points .

    如果我爱你,你的缺点,在我的世界 也是优点。

  • The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish .

    其结果必然 不会像他们所一厢情愿的 那样,而 只能适得其反。

  • He 'd turn out to be your brother !

    变成 你的哥哥!

  • What do you think will happen to him if these rumours turn out to be true ?

    如果这些传闻 证明 真实的话,你认为那将对他产生什么影响。

  • Your English may turn out to be better than you imagine .

    你的英语 可能比你想象的 要好

  • You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home .

    你可以用极低的价格买到一座房子,但是这作房子可能 真的 一文不值

  • This could turn out to be quite a memorable happy time for you dear Pisces .

    可能是你特别 值得铭记的快乐时光,亲爱的双鱼。

  • The issue could turn out to be a major stumbling block .

    这个问题 可能 成为一个主要绊脚石。

  • He could yet turn out to be its unwitting saviour .

    然而,他很 可能 最终 无意间成了BBC的救星。

  • With all my efforts it did not turn out to be the way I expected .

    付出 很多心血,没想到结果却不 尽如人意

  • Banks and shadow banks turn out to be two sides of the same coin .

    银行和影子银行 最终 变成 一枚硬币的正反两面。

  • Your family may well turn out to be more supportive than you expect .

    你的家人很 可能比你想象中更乐于支持你的 改变