turn away

[tɚn əˈwe][tə:n əˈwei]


  • It does not care if you turn away .

    它不在意你是否 走开

  • China at that time began to close its border and turn away from the outside world .

    当时的中国反而 边界的大门与外界 隔绝

  • Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action

    拒绝收容难民是 人道的行为。

  • Medicine began to turn away from botany in the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries .

    在17、18世纪的科学革命中,医学开始从植物学 转而研究其他 方向

  • You are not going to turn away like that dear ? Come !

    你就这样 转身 吗,亲爱的?过来!

  • Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students .

    当下时局艰难,一些社区学院 被迫 停止招生。

  • I would turn away almost as if people could hear .

    我会 转过 ,几乎就像别人可以听到一样。

  • But if you remember then turn away forever .

    倘若你仍记得,那么 你永远 离开

  • I started to turn away but he took a step after me and grabbed my arm .

    掉头 ,可是他紧跟上一步,抓住了我的胳臂。

  • ' I thought you would call me'Father'and not turn away from following me .

    我又说,你们必称我为父,也不再 不跟从我。

  • Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate

    日本公司已经由生产型企业 转而从事金融和房地产业。

  • Why couldn 't I be smart and turn away ?

    我为什么不能聪明点, 转过

  • And what if you 're wrong and he does turn away ? Then what ?

    可是要是你错了,他确实 置之不理,又怎么办?

  • Turn away my silent guest I cannot .

    我不能 回绝我的沉默的客人。

  • When we begin to turn away from the sun we have afternoon and evening and night .

    我们开始 时,就是下午。随后是黄昏和夜晚。

  • Love really make people lost you all around me turn away the whole world .

    爱真让人迷茫,你的一切围绕着我, 整个世界。

  • I turn away from my sin and walk in a new direction .

    从罪的 道路回转,朝新的方向走。

  • Turn aside ; turn away one 's face ; glanced away .

    转过来; 转过脸;匆匆扫了一下。

  • But I hate to turn away a new customer .

    但是我讨厌 拒绝新的顾客。

  • The stench of decay choked him and he had to turn away .

    腐烂发出的臭气使他窒息,他不得不 转身 走开

  • When you give up on hope you turn away from fear .

    当你不再希望,你 不再恐惧。

  • Turn away my silent guest I cannot . I look at the face through the dark and hours of dreams pass by .

    我不能 回绝我的沉默的客人,我从黑暗中望着他的脸,梦幻的时间过去了。

  • Then we will not turn away from you ; revive us and we will call on your name .

    这样,我们便不 退后 离开你。求你救活我们,我们就要求告你的名。

  • This person would turn away from her and start speaking to her parents .


  • I close both blinds and turn away .

    我闭上双眼 转身 离开

  • Look I can 't turn away perhaps you can .

    瞧,我无能 无力 可是或许你可以做到。

  • I like you are silent as if you turn away .

    我喜欢你是寂静的,好像你 转身 离去

  • Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence

    肯尼迪劝诫听众 远离暴力。

  • Unbelievers who turn away from Him and who deprive themselves of Him by their malice are today doubly culpable .

    信的人 他和谁剥夺了自己的他,他们的恶意今天加倍惩处。

  • I can 't turn away without knowing that you 'll be all right .

    我不能不顾你而 转身 离去