unaccomplished offense

[ˌʌnəˈkɑmplɪʃt əˈfɛns][ˌʌnəˈkɔmplɪʃt əˈfens]

[法] 未遂罪

  • First talk about the unaccomplished offense of influence-using bribery .

    首先讨论了利用影响力受贿罪的 完成 形态

  • The standard about accomplished and unaccomplished offense should be determined by the feature of ancient cultural sites or ancient tombs .

    该罪 既遂 未遂的标准应根据古文化遗址和古墓葬的不同特点确定不同的标准。

  • On Unaccomplished Forms of Aggregated Consequential Offense A Comparative Study on the Aggregated Consequential Offense Between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits

    论结果加重犯的 未遂形态海峡两岸结果加 重犯 比较研究