unbalanced output

[ʌnˈbælənst ˈaʊtˌpʊt][ʌnˈbælənst ˈautput]


  • The calculation of the variation of air resistance for the pneumatic bridge arm caused by dynamic change of consistency of sulfide and dust contained in the flue gas ; the exposition of equilibrium condition and the unbalanced output signals of the nonlinear air resistance ;

    计算由于烟气含硫化合物及粉尘浓度动态的变化引起的桥臂气阻的变化,阐述非线性气阻的平衡条件和 平衡的信号 输出

  • THD of AC current will accordingly go up while the unbalanced degree increases but when load changes in the definite scope the output of rectifier remains constant DC voltage . The correctness of the topology and theory has been verified by the simulation result .

    随着 平衡度的增加,电流谐波畸变率也会相应升高,但是当负载在一定范围变化时,整流器均能够 输出平稳的直流电压,验证了理论研究的正确性及复合型整流器的可应用性。

  • Unbalanced output of flow of parallel propellant tank and its solution

    并联贮箱 平衡 输出及其解决途径

  • Main contributions of this paper are : As to the unbalance measuring of the tire the dynamic model is established with dynamic formulae . Parameters between unbalanced force and sensor output are defined .

    本文主要贡献如下:在轮胎动平衡测量方面,建立了轮胎轮辋主轴动力学模型并推导相应的动力学公式,给出了轮胎不 平衡量与传感器 输出之间关系的参数标定。

  • The degree of output voltage imbalance was researched on phase unbalanced load and line unbalanced load . A maximum unbalanced condition of three-phase output voltage is given .

    研究了相不平衡负载和线不平衡负载条件下三相输出电压 平衡的程度,给出了三相 输出电压出现最大不 平衡的条件。

  • This paper deals with the performance evaluation of space-vector-modulated matrix converters under input unbalanced and output balanced conditions .

    本文在输入 平衡输出平衡的情况下,对空间矢量调制的矩阵变换器的性能进行了评估。

  • Sudden Unbalanced Short Circuits of Synchronous Generators with Simultaneous AC and Bridge Rectified DC Output

    直流同时供电的发电机 不对称突然短路分析

  • This paper introduces the control strategy of PWM rectifier under unbalanced grid voltage and studies methods to suppress the dc output voltage harmonic .

    本文介绍了电压 平衡时整流器控制策略,研究了抑制直流 输出电压谐波的方法并建立了仿真模型。

  • In the mean time the malfunction of protection caused by the oscillation of the power system during the broadening time of post-accelerating protection can also be prevented by checking whether the zero-sequence or negative-sequence current is heavier than the maximal unbalanced output current when the circuitry works well .

    此外,根据零序或负序电流是否大于线路无故障运行时最大 平衡 输出,防止此后在后加速保护展宽的时间内因系统振荡而引起的保护误动。

  • A balun is a transmission line transformer for converting balanced input to unbalanced output or vice versa .

    平衡-不平衡变压器是一根送电线变压器为转换的平衡的输入对 失衡 产品或反之亦然。

  • A unbalanced electro-bridge is studied by network method basd on A parameter of network . The expressions for input resistance output resistance output current and electro-bridge sensitivity are all given and the results is compared with connected argument .

    基于A参数,利用网络分析法导出了 平衡电桥的输入、 输出电阻和输出电流表达式,同时给出了电桥灵敏度的表达式,并将结果与相关讨论进行了比较。

  • Study of the Effects of Unbalanced Cylinder Output Condition of Main Diesel Engine on Torsional Vibration Characteristics of Shafting System

    柴油机各缸 负荷 均衡对轴系扭转振动特性影响的研究

  • It also has a low impedance which assures that the typical unbalanced output impedance is between 100 and 1000 ohms .

    同时它的低阻抗可以确保典型的 平衡 输出阻抗保持在100到1000欧姆之间。

  • Applying the bi-power supply can reduce the harmonic pollution of the high-powered electric device to the power supply net due to the harmonic waves but this may cause the inner electric loop-current between the rectifiers because of the unbalanced output of the two rectifier bridges .

    双向供电可以削减大功率用电设备对电网造成的谐波污染,但由此会带来两路整流 输出 平衡形成电源内部环流现象。

  • Generally the three-phase inverters adopt three-leg structure . But when it is applied to the three-phase unbalanced loads condition its three-phase output voltages will be dissymmetrical . Three-phase four-leg topology is proposed to solve this problem .

    一般情况下,三相逆变电源采用三个桥臂的结构,但是这种电路结构在不 平衡负载情况下, 输出的三相电压是不对称的。