


  • As the carrier and base of public welfare undertaking urban public welfare land reflects its relations and changes . Nowadays urban public welfare land has been unadapted with the new changes of public welfare undertakings .

    作为城市公益事业载体和基础的城市公益性用地,集中反映了城市公益事业的一 系列关系和变化,当前,城市公益性用地 不能 适应新的变化, 阻碍了城市公益事业的发展。

  • You won 't learn the subtleties of footwork and frequently repeated rocks will suffer erosion from dirty or unadapted shoes .

    那样你就无法体会 脚部动作的精妙,而岩面也会因此而被 弄脏

  • Our province 's meteorological operational system has showed that the forecast system and its flow are unadapted to the new equipments and technology after the 9210 Project finished . It tampered with the development of weather forecast operational technology and the improvement of time and spatial resolution .

    我省气象业务体系在9210工程之后,已显示出预报体制和流程 适应新的设备与技术环境的问题,影响了天气预报业务技术的发展,制约了天气预报在空间、时间分辨率方面的提高。

  • As Schumpeter wrote more than 70 years ago : This economic system cannot do without the ultima ratio of the complete destruction of those existences which are irretrievably associated with the hopelessly unadapted .

    正如熊彼德70多年前所写道的:这个经济系统不能没有彻底毁灭那些生存者的最终手段,这些生存者不可挽回地与那些没有希望的 适应 生存者联系在 一起

  • Daily hassles have many expressions such as anxiety disgust fear depression anger and other negative emotions accompanied with some unadapted behavior and physiological responses which may pose a threat to Mental and physical health and finally lead to psychosomatic diseases .

    日常烦心事有多种表现形式,常常表现为焦虑、厌恶、恐慌、抑郁、愤怒和其它负面情绪,并伴有 适应的行为和生理反应,可能会对人们的心身健康产生威胁,从而导致心身疾病。

  • One of the limitation for traditional data-dictionary design pattern in information systems is short of expansibility and it is unadapted for the appearance of new information resources .

    针对传统信息模型中,数据 字典的构建模式无法接纳新资源信息的加入,扩展性较差的不足,提出了一种可扩展的数据字典体系的结构设计方法。

  • Gigantic communications scale based on vicegerent cross-domain authentication and unadapted modern network environmental problem owing to lack of flexibility were simultaneously solved .

    解决了基于代理跨域认证的庞大通信规模和因缺乏灵活性而 适应现代网络环境的问题。

  • It is due to not only a deficient attraction to FDI but also the unadapted operation system between our agriculture and foreign agriculture . So our country should increase agricultural foreign investment appropriately .

    方面由于我国农业缺乏对外商直接投资的吸引力,另一方面由于我国农业的经营体制与外商的经营体制 适应,所以我国农业在利用外资方面应适量的加大投资。

  • The changes of accounting environment make the traditional accounting mode unadapted to external environment which makes accounting reformation urgent .

    会计环境的变化使传统的会计计量模式 无法 适应 变化的外部环境,迫切的需要相应的变革。

  • Since Model SNC-300 Huanghe cementing truck is becoming unadapted to the modern construction requirement a multifunctional water supply truck Stery 1291 water supply truck is developed .

    针对 SNC&300型黄河水泥车越来越 适应现代施工需要的状况,研制开发出斯太尔1291多功能供水车。

  • The influence of the feed concentrations and the pressure of solution on the modules performance were investigated . The results showed that the great solution pressure was unadapted to the permeability of air of oxygen enrichment .

    考察了 涂膜液浓度、 涂膜压力对 组件性能的影响,发现过高的涂膜压力不 利于 组件富氧空气通量的提高。