


  • Although it might be hard for Midwest rustbelt congressmen to imagine not everyone in China thinks WTO membership is an unalloyed good .

    尽管美国中西部国会议员可能很难想象,但事实上,并非所有中国人都认为wto资格有益 无害

  • Whatever their motivations though the fall in the oil price is for now an almost entirely unalloyed piece of good news for both the world economy and global security .

    然而,无论它们的动机是什么,就目前而言,油价下跌几乎完全是 不折不扣的好消息,无论对世界经济还是对全球安全而言都是如此。

  • Also the content of the interstitial atoms in the unalloyed zone of iron reduces with increasing diffusion temperature and prolonging holding time .

    实验结果表明,随着扩散处理温度的提高和处理时间的延长, 合金 区域中间隙元素的含量降低程度也增大;

  • It was the unalloyed joy of a family table where the real feast was love .

    这是一家人餐桌上 纯情的欢乐,这道真正大餐就是爱。

  • Unalloyed magnesium ingots for remelting

    GB/T3499-1995重熔 镁锭

  • Unalloyed copper silver or mercury should never be used in direct contact with acetylene since there is the possibility of forming explosive acetylides .

    因为有可能生成爆炸性的乙炔化物, 纯铜、银或水银决不能用乙炔直接接触。

  • Study and Application of the Unalloyed Austempered Ductile Iron Disc Harrow

    合金 奥贝球铁耙片的研究与应用

  • Some are obviously tinged with relatively unalloyed empiricism .

    其中有些地方明显地带有较多 相容的经验主义色彩。

  • Bond traders regard central bank bond purchases as an unalloyed positive .

    债券交易人将央行购买债券之举视为 纯粹的利好 因素

  • Mn Segregation in Unalloyed Austempered Ductile Iron and Its Influence on Properties

    合金 奥贝球铁中锰的偏析行为及其对性能的影响

  • However shipping steel and other construction materials into poorer nations is not an unalloyed recipe for success .

    然而,将钢材和其他建材运输至较穷的国家,并非取得成功的 纯粹良方。

  • China is not of course an unalloyed haven for working women .

    当然,对于职业女性而言,中国并非 百分之百的天堂。

  • Unmixed or unalloyed ; pure or homogenous .

    未混的或 完全的;纯粹的或一致的。

  • She had not protested to anyone and thus her guilt was unalloyed .

    她没有向任何人提过抗议,可见她的罪过是 深重的。

  • Measures to Increase Properties of Unalloyed Austempered Ductile Iron

    提高 合金 奥贝球铁性能的措施

  • Less tangibly heads say children have come to British private schools to enjoy an unalloyed British education .

    校长们表示,另一个相对不那么易懂的原因就是,孩子进入英国私人学校是为了享受一个 纯粹的英国教育。

  • The main production techniques and trail-manufacture of alloyed Aaustempered Ductile Iron ( ADI ) and unalloyed ADI gears are introduced .

    介绍了等温淬 火球铁齿轮的主要生产工艺,以及合金与 合金等温淬火球铁齿轮的试制应用。

  • Rees-Jones has now decided to break his silence by writing a book The bodyguard 's Story which gives his unalloyed account of the events leading up to the final shambles .

    现在里斯-琼斯已决定写一本书来打破自己的沉默,书名叫《保 的故事》,书中对最终导致汽车撞成“一堆废铁”的各个事件进行了 原原本本的叙述。

  • Mr Obama 's foreign policy has not been an unalloyed success .

    奥巴马外交政策并没有 完全成功。