unauthorized use


  • Trademark infringement refers to unauthorized use of mark which is the same with or similar to the registered trademark or other acts which damage the exclusive right of trademark without the permission of the owner of trademark .

    商标侵权行为是指行为人未经商标所有人同意, 擅自 使用与注册商标相同或近似的标志,或者以其他方式损害商标专用权的行为。

  • The strategies include : demonstration of a model make the best use of information technology role playing unauthorized use of emotional language using cases clever strategy for doubt .

    包括:演示示范、善用信息技术、角色扮演、 擅用感情语言、借用事件、巧设疑问策略。

  • Access control technology can effectively prevent unauthorized users to use the system and the legitimate users to go beyond his permissions guaranteeing maximum resource sharing and information exchange between domains while ensuring system security .

    访问控制技术可有效地防止 非法用户 使用系统和合法用户越权使用系统,在保证安全域间最大限度的资源共享和信息交互的同时保证系统的安全性。

  • Pay attention to protect air quality completes the water and soil resources protection prohibit unauthorized use dig and wanton felling of trees . Insist on combine reasonable development with sustainable utilization ; build the conception of green environmental protection .

    应下大力气保护空气质量,做好水土资源保护,严禁 挖,乱砍乱伐,坚持做到体育旅游资源合理开发和永续利用相结合,树立绿色环保的建设理念。

  • Article 112 . A stock exchange shall deposit in a special bank account the trading guarantee fund and risk ? bearing fund it has collected and unauthorized use of these funds is not allowed .

    第一百一十二条证券交易所应当将收存的交易保证金、风险基金存入开户银行专门帐户,不得 擅自 使用

  • Access Control for the system to prevent illegal access to information modification and destruction as well as prevent unauthorized use of the system was playing an important role .

    访问控制对避免系统内部信息被非法获取、修改和破坏以及避免系统被 授权 使用方面发挥着重要作用。

  • A hard disk that can be removed from the disk drive ; removal prevents unauthorized use .

    能够从磁盘驱动器中抽取的硬盘;可以防止 非法 应用

  • However the ease of digital image editing and copying also enables unauthorized tampering and use of the image content .

    然而数字图像信息容易被编辑和复制,这就导致图像内容遭到 授权 的篡改或复制。

  • Subscriber agrees to immediately notify CUHK of any unauthorized use of Subscriber 's account or any other breach of security known to Subscriber .

    订户同意在知悉订户之户口 被盗 或任何违反安全使用之行为时,立即通知中大。

  • Louis made unauthorized use of my name .

    路易斯 擅自 利用我的名义。

  • Spring shall have no obligation with respect to any damage arising from misuse neglect tampering unauthorized or improper use or installation disassembly repair alteration or accident .

    对于错误使用、疏忽、篡改, 授权或不当 使用或安装、拆卸、修理、更改或事故造成的损坏,spring不负任何责任。

  • Unauthorized use or attempts to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network .

    非法 使用,或试图回避或绕过信息系统或网络的安全机制。

  • In recent years the name of the TV program to someone else as trademarks or unauthorized use in the commercial sector have occurred .

    近年来,电视节目名称被他人抢注成商标或 自在商业领域 使用的现象时有发生。

  • Unauthorized use of invoices drawn up by the region not designated ;

    批准,跨规定的 使用区域开具发票;

  • Each party agrees that it shall take reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the confidential information of the other party .

    双方同意尽最大的努力保护对方提供的机密信息,避免机密信息的泄露和 授权 使用

  • They also want to match their offerings to customer needs and preferences & a requirement that 's shared by providers of value-added applications ( who in addition must protect their intellectual capital from unauthorized use ) .

    他们还希望将其产品能够客户需求和偏好相符,这是增值应用程序提供商(以及必须保护其智能资本免受 授权 使用的用户)的一种共同需求。

  • Unauthorized use of these images constitutes copyright infringement and shall entitle the copyright holder to exercise all rights and remedies .

    授权 使用此等图像乃侵犯版权的行为,版权持有人可追讨权益及赔偿。

  • We should continue implementing and improving the rural household land contract system manage well the non-agricultural land and prohibit unauthorized use and expropriation of arable land .

    坚持和完善农村土地承包政策,搞好非农用地的管理和调控,严禁 占乱征耕地。

  • You agree to notify Cleverlearn immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security .

    如发现任何 非法 使用您的帐号或帐号出现安全漏洞的情况,您必须立即通知cleverlearn。

  • Violations of commercialization of personality rights mainly include unauthorized use use of counterfeit imitation use and use of low-destruction .

    人格权商品化侵权行为的表现形式主要有 擅自 使用、假冒使用、模仿使用及诋毁使用等。

  • Valuable assets including intellectual assets and information are protected from unauthorized access or use .

    有价值的资产,包括知识产权和信息, 授权不得 使用

  • Please notify us promptly if you learn of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security so that the administers can take appropriate measure as soon as possible .

    如果您发现或怀疑您的帐号 遭到 盗用或不当 使用,您必须立即通知本网站,以利管理者尽快采取适当之因应措施。

  • The unauthorized use reproduction or dissemination of individual contents or of complete pages will be subject to prosecution under both criminal and civil law .

    许可对部分或全部网页的内容 使用,复制和翻录将追究刑事和民事法律责任。

  • The act of opposite shamming trademark refers to the unauthorized use of one 's own trademark on others ' commodities .

    反向假冒商标行为是指在他人的商品上 擅自 使用自己商标的行为。

  • They urgently need a new way be able to prevent unauthorized and illegal use of their data material .

    因此,他们急需一种能够防止 授权而非法 使用数据材料的方法。

  • The main intention of intrusion detection system ( IDS ) is to detect the action of unauthorized use misuse and all other abuse of computer systems but it lacks of an effective monitoring console .

    入侵检测系统(IDS)意在检测对计算机系统的 授权 使用、误用和滥用。因此对其进行安全监测具有重要的意义。

  • Doyouhike and the relevant author reserve the right to take any legal action necessary against those unauthorized use of articles on doyouhike .

    擅自 盗用磨房上的文章,磨房和作者将保留追究法律责任的权利。

  • Network integrity problems call for the network to establish the integrity of the code of ethics and to prevent and restrict the unauthorized use of network technology and join the malicious the times of the historical task entrusted to us .

    网络诚信问题的产生呼唤网络诚信伦理规范的建立,同时也避免和制约网络技术 被盗 和加入恶意,是时代赋予我们的历史任务。

  • Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws trademark laws the laws of privacy and publicity and communications regulations and statutes .

    任何 擅自 使用这些图像的行为有可能违反版权法、商标法、关于隐私权和发表权的法律以及有关通信的现行法规法令。