


  • It will then commit the transaction unbind the persistence context and close it .

    然后提交事务, 取消 绑定持久化上下文并关闭它。

  • Use the following procedure to unbind applications from servers .

    使用以下过程, 取消应用程序到服务器的 绑定

  • Hopefully this situation has opened your eyes to the benefits of using the bind / unbind feature in your code ( if there 's no shortcut of course ) .

    希望它能使您看到在代码中使用 bind/unbind特性带来的好处(如果没有 更好的方法的话)。

  • On a deployment diagram select the application you want to unbind .

    在部署关系图上,选择您要 取消 绑定的应用程序。

  • The delegate to unbind from the component .

    解除组件 绑定的委托。

  • As easy to seek the solution of flow-field which after air - ethyne mixed gas detonating . It must unbind the C-J parameter of gas-phrase detonating .

    为了便于求解乙炔空气爆炸后的流场,首先对气相爆轰的爆轰参数( C-J参数)进行求解。

  • The unbind option provides a facility to disconnect from the LDAP servers .


  • For increased robustness repeat this scan and redirect phase every few seconds so you are able to cope with slow-starting applications or applications that dynamically bind and unbind ports .

    为了增强稳定性,请每隔几秒钟重复扫描和重定向的步骤,从而能够处理启动缓慢的应用程序或动态绑定和解 绑定端口的应用程序。

  • She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind

    她把头发解开,让它随风 飘动

  • Many cultures still have fairly strict rules about women displaying unbound hair .

    许多文化中对女子 披散头发仍有着相当严格的规定。

  • The first concept was the use of the bind () / unbind () methods .

    第一个概念是使用bind() /unbind()方法。

  • Describes how to bind a solution or project to source control and how to unbind the item .

    说明如何将解决方案或项目绑定到源代码管理,以及如何 取消 绑定项。

  • Remember : Use the bind / unbind in situations where you don 't want the default event to fire or as a way to temporarily attach or remove events from page elements

    记住:在不希望触发默认事件时才使用 bind/unbind,或作为向页面元素添加或删除事件的临时方法

  • Unbind the tactical of MAC address and IP address binding

    MAC地址与IP地址绑定策略的 破解

  • Using process affinity settings to bind or unbind threads can help you find the root cause of hangs or deadlocks that are difficult to debug .

    通过使用进程关联性来绑定线程或 取消线程的绑定,可帮助您找到难以调试的挂起或死锁的根本原因。

  • To unbind clean the project using the top level menu Project > Clean .

    解除 绑定,使用顶级菜单Project>Clean清除项目。

  • The second was taking advantage of the bind / unbind methods which we saw in the previous section .

    第二种方法利用了 bind/unbind前面小节所

  • Should take off for nothing to block while parking the car unbind clutch pedal can avoid raising the scot of cluth so .

    停车时应当摘 空挡松开离合器踏板,这样可以避免增加离合器的负担。

  • If you unbind a web project you will be unable to rebind it to its original source control server until you change the location of its working copy .

    如果 取消 绑定一个web项目,则在更改其工作副本的位置以前,不能将该项目重新绑定到其原始的源代码管理服务器。

  • To accommodate deployment design changes and errors you can unbind applications from a logical server on a deployment diagram .

    为了适应部署设计更改并 解决错误,您可以在部署关系图上 取消应用程序到逻辑服务器的 绑定

  • Close the connection to the LDAP server using ldap_unbind .

    使用 ldap unbind 关闭 LDAP服务器的连接。

  • Try utmost in breaking through unbind certain sacrifice as business worthwhile .

    这笔生意值得做,请竭力打破 僵局即使有所牺牲也 无妨

  • Effective brushing and flossing unbind bacteria-laden plaque from the surface of teeth .

    有效的刷牙和使用 牙线能使细菌斑快速从牙齿表面脱离。