


  • Besides the unequal number of men and women we are also unacquainted about their age range and pain level .

    男女人数 一样,而且他们的年龄阶段 我们 知道,而且痛苦的程度 知道

  • People who are unacquainted with feminist ideas .


  • Just a few years the community consider it from unacquainted to widely used this service mode developed from the initial individual and single service developed into a large-scale and service a wide variety of the commonwealth of service .

    短短的几年中,这种服务方式,社会 对其已从 陌生发展到广泛采用,由初始的个别化,单一的服务发展成为大范围、服务形式多样的联合体服务。

  • If a Chinese is invited to a meal he will try to find an opportunity to give a return banquet to the inviter otherwise he would be regarded as unacquainted with the ways of the world .

    如果有人请中国人吃饭,这个中国人就会找机会 回请,否则,他会被看成没有人情。

  • Modern fiber art and modern architectural space is a familiar and unacquainted issue .

    现代纤维艺术与现代建筑空间是一个既熟悉又 陌生的问题。

  • For the majority of the architects the beam is unacquainted or its conception is obscure .

    对于大多数的设计师 而言,光线是 陌生的,或者说 其概念是模糊不清的。

  • He liked to open to a mind unacquainted with the world glimpses of its scenes and ways .

    他喜欢向一个 见过 世面的心灵 透露一点世界上的情景和风气。

  • Conservation would be a novel concept to anyone unacquainted with what is supposed to be preserved such as wildness wildlife natural beauty .

    如果 知道应该保护什么,比如野性、野生动植物、自然美等等,保护自然资源就会只是个新奇的概念。

  • The People 's Court shall provide interpretation for a litigant participant unacquainted with the spoken or written language commonly used in the locality .

    人民法院应当 不通 当地 民族通用的语言、文字的诉讼参与人提供翻译。

  • I 'm afraid I 'm unacquainted with his work .

    恐怕我 了解他的工作。

  • ( Brit ; informal ) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller .

    英;非正式; 了解乡村生活(尤指华而不实而又 浮夸的男性)的城镇居民。

  • Internet appears as a totally unacquainted economic form and has a strong impact on traditional means of corporate value analysis .

    互联网对传统的公司价值分析方法产生了强烈的冲击。传统的 竞争 优势 理论 评估方法在 互联网经济 时代 仍然是公司价值分析的经典 理论

  • Corporate governance has a history of about ten years in the countries that enjoy a well - developed market economy while it has been kept unacquainted in China yet .

    公司法人治理结构虽然在市场经济比较发达的国家已经有近十年的历史了, 可是在我国还是一个 人们 感到 非常 陌生 领域

  • In this dissertation the notion and the characteristics of dielectric relaxation spectroscopy with which most people in China are not unacquainted were introduced the development of Maxwell-Wagner theory was simply reviewed and whose applications to all kinds of systems were summarized .

    本文介绍了介电谱方法这一在国内比较 陌生的能谱方法的概念及其特点,简单回顾了适用于非均匀体系的 Maxwell-Wagner理论的发展历程,并且总结了该理论在不同体系中的具体应用;

  • We 're one group of people from unacquainted stage to acquainted stage we 're going to a place far away for giving a little help just because of a small sincerely heart .

    一班由 相识到相识的 伙伴,为著小小热诚,一起远赴遥远的 他方付出小小 绵力

  • I am at an unfavourable position in being conversationally unacquainted with English .

    我由于 熟悉英语会话而处于不利地位。

  • For his own part he is unacquainted with the new Paris and he writes with the old Paris before his eyes in an illusion which is precious to him .

    至于他,他不 认识新巴黎, 出现在他眼前的只是旧巴黎,他怀着他所珍惜的幻象而加以 叙述

  • It explores the aesthetic meaning from four aspects : the unacquainted aesthetic approach the multi-level aesthetic significance and the abnormal aesthetic spirit .

    反常 的审美精神; 悲喜 交融的审美境界等四个方面探讨 荒诞 叙事的审美意义。

  • She was too young too impatient to live too unacquainted with pain .

    她还太年轻,太渴望着生活, 痛苦 知道得太

  • Alexandra Burt male college students who had a gene associated with rulebreaking behavior were rated most popular by a group of previously unacquainted peers .

    根据行为遗传学家S. 亚历山德拉·伯特的研究调查,拥有某种与违规行为相关的基因的大学男生被一组之前与他们 素不相识的同学认为最受人们欢迎。

  • His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with many classic books .

    他随心所欲地泛泛而读, 许多经典书籍 不甚了了

  • Meanwhile driving in the unacquainted area may easily lose direction especially at night when the road signs and nearby scenery are dim .

    同时当汽车在 生疏 地带行驶时,特别是在 难以 看清道路标志和周围景色的夜间行车时会迷失方向。

  • American tourists wholly innocent of French ; a person unacquainted with our customs .

    法国完全陌生的美国游客; 熟悉我们风俗的人。

  • Professor Baker is unacquainted with the idea of representative democracy

    贝克教授 并不 熟悉“代议制民主”这一思想。

  • At the same time statistic shows that more than half of passengers are unacquainted completely with the fire protection establishments in metro which are mainly affected by their personal information .

    同时,统计发现,有一半以上的乘客对地铁中的消防设施是 非常 陌生的,并且受个人信息的影响。

  • I was then totally unacquainted with his poems .

    当时我根本 知道他的诗。

  • Is unacquainted with dog & chicken is the agricultural society continuously happy ideal .


  • Even as if you would call a physician that is thought good for the cure of the disease you complain of but is unacquainted with your body ;

    有如你 生病请医,而这位医生是 被认为善治你所患的病症,却是 熟悉你的体质的;