


  • That a girl of fourteen acting only on her own unassisted reason should err in the method of reform was not wonderful ;

    一个十四岁的姑娘,在 无人 帮助 情况 ,仅仅凭着自己的理智,要改变 家庭的这些 状况,在方式方法上 有些不当是不足为奇的。

  • The young Brazilian did manage to limp unassisted onto the United team bus that evening but the Reds still sent the20-year-old for a precautionary scan the following day .

    年轻的巴西人当年没用 自己上了球队大巴,但曼联还是让这个20岁的 年轻 第二天去做检查。

  • A number of member countries two of them Italy and Spain being large already have or are on the verge of having governments unable to manage their public debt unassisted .

    一些 欧元 成员国包括意大利和西班牙这两个大国的政府,在没有 援助 情况 ,已经或者即将 无力控制自身的公共债务。

  • He overcame his addictions unassisted

    他在 无人 帮助 情况 自己戒除了 毒瘾

  • Your unassisted vision is worse than 20 / 500 .

    你的视觉 想象力低于 20/500

  • He had to drag the cart there unassisted .

    他不得不 独自把车子拖到那里。

  • Aim : To observe the protection effect of a new combined anti-G measure which was composed of KH-x anti-G suit unassisted PBG ( positive pressure breathing for G PBG ) and PHP maneuver .

    目的:研究以KH-x扩大囊覆盖面积抗荷服、 胸部代偿的抗 加压呼吸及PHP动作组成的某型歼击机综合抗荷措施的抗荷效果;

  • He has made a good recovery and is now able to walk unassisted .

    他已经恢复得很好,现在 帮助就能 行走了。

  • To reach the highest point to which his capacities unassisted by special privilege of his own and unhampered by the special privilege of others can carry him and to get for himself and his family substantially what he has earned .

    不靠自己的特权 提携,没有他人的特权掣肘,而能将能力 发挥极限,基本上让他和家人劳有所获。

  • At other times he 'd force her to walk totally unassisted .

    其他时候,他会强迫她在完全 无人 帮助 情况 自己行走。

  • Then she rose unassisted from the operating table thanked the surgeon and the two acupuncturists and walked out waving and smiling at the amazed observers .

    然后,她从手术台上 不用 起身了,还一边感谢了外科医生和二位针灸师,接着走出去对吃惊的观察者一边挥手示意一边微笑。

  • And in his spare moments of which there were not many nowadays he would go alone to the quarry collect a load of broken stone and drag it down to the site of the windmill unassisted .

    同时,尽管近来业余时间并不多,但他仍要在空闲时间里,独自到采石场去,在 没有 任何 帮手 情况 上一车碎石,拖去倒在 风车的地基里。

  • The object of the old metaphysical theology was to see how far unassisted reason could go in the knowledge of God .

    旧形而上学中的理性神学部分,其目的在于 确定理性的 本身究竟能够认识上帝 什么 限度

  • Nature he thought was created by God in such a way that its order can be understood by human reason unassisted by Christian revelation .

    他认为,自然被上帝以这样一种方式创造出来,那么它的法则 能够在 没有基督教启示的 帮助 被人类理性所理解。