


  • The dark umbral shadow cone of the moon will trace a curved path primarily over the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans beginning off the southern tip of Greenland and then winding its way counterclockwise to the northeast passing between Iceland and the United Kingdom .

    月球 造成 圆锥形阴影将沿曲线路径掠过北大西洋和北冰洋地区,从格陵兰南端开始,然后按逆时针方向到达东北部,掠过冰岛和英国。

  • An analysis and study of umbral dots in sunspots

    太阳黑子 本影点的分析研究

  • Sunspot Umbral Dots Observed at the Yunnan Observatory

    云南天文台观测到的黑子 本影

  • Pictured above the face of a full moon is partly blocked by Earth 's clouds and partly darkened on the upper right by Earth 's umbral shadow .

    这张照片,满月的表面部分被地球上的云遮住,而右上角的部分处于地球的 本影之中。

  • Progress in Umbral Calculus

    关于 演算 理论 若干 进展