


  • This is a lighter area between the umbra and the edge of a shadow .

    这是 本影和阴影边缘之间较亮的区域。

  • It is the custom that aged or infirm Striders make a final journey into the Umbra never to return .

    年老或者衰弱的漫游者会根据传统最后一次出发去 ,一去不归。

  • By studying the realms of the Umbra they learn to understand great secrets increasing their mystical understanding or Gnosis .

    通过了解 世界,他们探寻那些大秘密、扩大对神秘世界的了解、增进灵知的力量。

  • The formation of this spiral structure may be caused by the anti-clockwise spin of umbra A .

    这种旋涡结构可能是由于 A 本影的逆时针自旋运动造成的。

  • A fringe region of partial shadow around an umbra .

    边缘地区的部分 阴影

  • It was found that an anormal light bridge formed in the old main spot when the two umbrae merged into one instead of the opposite case i. e. one umbra split into two .

    老黑子中发现一个反常光桥,它是在两个 本影合并起来时形成,而不象通常在黑子将分裂时出现。

  • This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot .

    这包括对太阳黑子 本影和半影持续的观测。

  • The scent of the Dark Umbra clings to them adding to the eerie mystery that shrouds them .

    暗影 影响 紧随着他们,带给他们怪诞的神秘气息。

  • Plain CT scan displayed lamellar low density umbra part of them were mixed density .

    CT平扫表现为 片状、片状低密度 ,部分夹有混杂密度

  • Calculating Method of Satellite Entry and Exit Positions and Times through Umbra / Pen umbra

    卫星进/出地 位置和时间的计算算法

  • ( Domain ): A mini-Realm in the Umbra usually connected to a larger Realm in the Deep Umbra .

    区域:在 界中的一个小区域。通常与深影界中的大区域所连接。

  • For this reason the realm of spirit is known as the umbra the shadow of creation .

    正因为如此,灵魂存在的空间被称为 一切造物的影子。